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Re: Eyewitness account of the Brownville redistricting "hearing"
by Tim Jones
29 June 2003 18:04 UTC
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At 9:17 AM -0500 06/29/2003, Kirby Fry wrote:
That's a great piece Tim.  I like hearing the real story from first
hand accounts.
To reply:

I think the great mass of middle class Americans are about to
fight their individual battles of the Alamo for an unsustainable
lifestyle. This corrupt political redistricting business in Texas
is but one element, a small piece of a jig-saw puzzle called
global warming. (not just climate change)

America seems to have discarded the environment in the
interest of polluting industrial resource exploitation. It's
discarded international legitimacy in the interest of maintaining
cheap gas for its fleet of oversized cars. It's poisoning the air
and water weakening new source review rules to fire up coal
burning power plants running it's air conditioners. It's melting
the polar ice caps to keep the security lights on all night. And
lets put more nuclear energy into the picture (for US not
THEM! ) America's discarding its own Constitution seeking
safety and insulation from the rest of the world while it eats it
alive and crushes dissent.

Seems the majority of Americans cheer on their ultra nationalistic
right wing corporate government as the corporations funding the
patronage and corruption cynically out-source the means of
production - the economy - to Asia and seek off-shore tax havens
and tax cuts to pocket ALL the profits.

Service jobs and labor are given to foreign nationals who'll work
for low wages while the rest of America looks for jobs in rusty
old factories and empty buildings. (Go to ....Ace Hardware, or
Home Depot and find something NOT made on the Pacific Rim)

America is falling apart. The only things keeping the illusions
alive are stock market bubbles and the narrow focus on foreign
wars and fear and hatred foisted on us by corporate/government
sponsored press cowards sucking for their jobs instead of spitting
out the truth.

The states are broke, the cities are busted, "America" has become
an LSD hallucination, a cocaine high. A pipe dream. A nation of
cheap fuel junkies and their throwaway toys. The comedown is
inevitable. It's already crashing. Toby Futrell, Austin's city
manager, speaking of the local budget shortfall and employment
said: "this time there'll be bodies."

Consider sky rocketing natural gas prices. Consider the Hubbert
Peak in Oil Production... <http://www.hubbertpeak.com/>

What is the Republican US government's fix? Nothing less
than a fundamentalist/ corporate/pentagon power grab party
to control whatever's left over after its fundy funded atavistic

read: For many leading Republicans, dying coral reefs and
melting ice caps are welcomed as signs of the Rapture.

scroll through DeLay....the whole article.

For all its	technological prowess I think America gets an "F"
when it's graded on intelligence. I guess I should say wisdom.
America's institutional obsession with short term gains..... As
Frank Zappa said: it's a wonder (the children) don't kill their
parents in their sleep.

Tim Jones

Looking at this a little more dispassionately I think we can
see that the convergence of resource depletion, over-population
and the revolution of rising expectations in the third world -
confused by religious fundamentalism, WTO corporatism
and "patriotic fervor" are going to lead to ever widening
conflicts of interest and warfare to maintain the elites' hold
on old conquests and lifestyle.

The nuclear wild card should keep the players sober. But the
fundy's acceptance, indeed promotion of apocalypse gives me
little comfort for the fate of the world. I think the words "Road
Map to Peace" coming out of George Bush's mouth mean "let
Karl Rove keep fooling you for another four years."

Bush's Middle East policy is the mask of a beautiful woman on
the face of a gorilla. You can spell it anyway you want.

At 9:17 AM -0500 06/29/2003, Kirby Fry wrote:
That's a great piece Tim.  I like hearing the real story from first hand

It's like Greg Palast said in his Acres U.S.A. interview, one of the most
unique things about our government is its transparency.  It is that
transparency which the current administration wishes to do away with, thus
it is that tranparency which it is our patriotic duty to defend.

Just imagine if such hearings as the one in Brownsville were held behind
closed doors, like the way V.P. Cheney did regarding our energy policy.

As well as a skewed redistricting policy, men like John Ashcroft have and
would continue to shift "get out the vote" funds to more rural /
conservative districts and shortchange the more liberal inner city

Isn't the supreme court also about to rule on whether the campaign finance
reform bill is constitutional?  How can we have fair elections when the race
for the largest "war chest" determines the race for the White House?  How
can we have fair elections when men like Ashcroft and Texas Representative
Krussee are using their offices to weaken their opposition?

How can we learn the truth about any of this when the media is owned by a
few mega-corporations  like GE, VeriCom and Reuprert Merdock Communications,
and the FCC would allow them to own even more?

It's people like Susan Reeves who bring us the truth, not FOX, CNN or MSNBC!

So given the chance the conservatives would break up the potential for
liberal districts, under fund liberal districts' voting efforts, stack the
S.C. with far right ideologues, act as much as possible behind the public's
back by passing the Patriot (read: Unpatriotic) Acts and lie to us through
the media - like telling us Iraq is buying enriched uranium from Niger.

To boot, anyone expressing concern or dissent is threatened to be outcast or
put out of business, like Danny Glover, that NBC reporter intervied by Al
Jazeer Television and the Dixie Chicks.  This is all starting to sound
pretty fascist to me.  When do we start rounding up the problematic races?
Oops, we already have.

The stakes are extremely high at the moment.

Kirby Fry

For the real scoop on environmental and social justice issues check out the
archives of Democracy Now!

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