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Fwd: [WSDG] Intellectual Roots of Neo-conservative Thinking
by Threehegemons
28 April 2003 21:56 UTC
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I am forwarding this piece to wsn for several reasons.  It hasn't generated 
much discussion on WSDG, I suspect because some of us have already corresponded 
privately with the author. It speaks to the roots of the 'secret plan' document 
some people are interested in.  If you comment on it, please be sure to include 
the author's email in the send box--I am not sure he is on wsn.

Steven Sherman
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Dear List,

Here's a little something that I wrote.  I'm in the process of expanding on 
it and turning it into a full length article.  I'd really appreciate 
comments from list participants.


Khurram Husain

American Dreams
March 2003

They were thoughtful men, intelligent and attentive to detail.  They 
eschewed the blare and chaos of politics, preferring to work silently 
through collegial persuasion and networked access to important offices.  
They were analysts at the RAND corporation and their job was to “think the 
unthinkable.”  They were the brains behind the armored brawn of the most 
powerful war machine the world had ever known.

James Schlesinger, who was to serve as Secretary of Defense in the Nixon 
administration, was amongst them, as was Herman Kahn, famous for arguing 
that America could win a nuclear war and caricatured for it as Dr 
Strangelove in Stanley Kubrick’s film by the same name.  There was Albert 
Wohlstetter, the Columbia trained mathematician described by Henry 
Kissinger as a “brilliant strategist” and Andrew Marshall whose network in 
the defense establishment today reads like a who’s who of the Bush 
cabinet.  There was Alain Enthoven, the leader of a team of “whiz kids” who 
advised Robert McNamara on the conduct of the Vietnam War.  And there was 
Daniel Ellsberg, the weak link in their chain, who broke ranks with his 
colleagues and went public with the nature of his work and brought down a 
President as a result.  The story of these iconoclastic men is, in many 
ways, the story of our times.

Started as a division in the Douglas Aircraft corporation, Project RAND was 
commissioned in 1945 as a platform to connect research and development with 
military planning.  It was conceived by Gen. H.H. Arnold of the US Army Air 
Force to retain the scientific experts who had worked for him during 
wartime and would be lost to the Air Force with the establishment of 
peace.  In 1948, with some legal and financial help from the Ford 
Foundation, Project RAND was separated from its base in industry and 
incorporated as a nonprofit organization headquartered in Santa Monica, 

The other services did not lag far behind in creating think tanks to house 
their scientific experts and promote research in their fields.  The Army 
had its Operations Research Office at the Johns Hopkins University and the 
Navy had its Operations Evaluation Group at M.I.T.  In time, such 
organizations multiplied:  the Institute of Defense Analysis for the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense, and the Stanford Research 
Institute which served no one service in particular.  What these 
organizations represented was a collaboration of military and civilian 
expertise for war-fighting purposes in a time when warfare had advanced 
beyond the capabilities of any single profession.

The RAND Corporation became the site of the most inter-disciplinary, 
cutting edge research that was funded at the time.  It was here that the 
internet was born, and research proceeded in packet switching, network 
communication protocols, artificial intelligence, space systems, game 
theory, linear and dynamic programming and systems analysis.  The basic 
thrust of much of RAND research was to provide tools to government decision 
makers to analyse complex, multi-variable situations, and make decisions 
under conditions of extreme uncertainty.  A network of researchers was 
pulled in from the most prestigious seats of academia, such as M.I.T., 
Princeton, California Institute of Technology, together with the most 
advanced private industry labs such as Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
and the Carnegie Corporation.

Albert Wohlstetter joined the RAND Corporation in 1949 and worked initially 
as a systems analysts conducting “third area defense” simulations and 
studying optimum basing patterns and sortie rates for nuclear bombers.  But 
it was his writings on the concept of nuclear deterrence where the 
substance of his thinking was most clearly illustrated.  

Oppenheimer had once described the concept of deterrence as “two scorpions 
in a bottle,” but Wohlstetter saw it differently.  Deterrence would only 
work if America retained the ability to strike even after absorbing a 
surprise attack by the USSR:  “To deter an attack means being able to 
strike back in spite of it” he wrote.

It was only logical to Wohlstetter that any first strike by the enemy would 
target America’s nuclear arsenal and its delivery capabilities, which at 
that time was largely bomber based.  This meant that was necessary to 
calculate what combination of missile strikes in what number would be 
required to cripple the Strategic Air Command, which was tasked with the 
delivery of nuclear weapons.  If a first strike could take out a 
substantial portion of America’s arsenal, it would leave America unable to 
assure the USSR of unacceptable retaliation.  

To understand the variety of ways a first strike could play itself out, 
Wohlstetter performed a series of labyrinthine calculations that took into 
account protective measures such as dispersal of bomber bases, mobile 
ICBM’s, hardened targets, air defense systems to intercept incoming bombers 
and civil defense structures to protect populations.  The long span of time 
that separated a weapon system from its inception to its deployment meant 
that waiting for the enemy to make his move before countering it would 
leave a window of vulnerability during which America would be without a 
deterrent.  Given the catastrophic consequences involved in nuclear war, 
Wohlstetter argued that even the smallest chance of vulnerability was 
unacceptable.  This according to him, made it imperative to look ahead and 
anticipate the enemy’s moves. 

In fact, looking ahead to anticipate future threats was a central part of 
Wohlstetter’s methodology.  In an essay published in 1959 Wohlstetter 
argued for significantly boosting of America’s nuclear umbrella, in number 
and in its capacity to resist a first strike, in anticipation of Soviet 
moves to deploy more missiles with greater accuracies in the next ten 
years.  To the imperatives of nuclear deterrence, he went on to recommend a 
large conventional force capable of fighting a general war against the USSR 
alongside a full blown nuclear conflict.  And significantly enough, he 
emphasized the capability to fight in limited theater conflicts, stating 
that “we do not believe that the full variety of non-nuclear aggressions…
can be met with nuclear weapons.”

Wohlstetter also projected that in the 1960s, the American deterrent would 
have to deter not just the USSR, but China as well.  Grimly pointing out 
that the Russians suffered 20 million dead in World War II and still 
emerged as a superpower, he wondered how much damage they would consider 
as “unacceptable,” that is, enough to deter them from a military adventure 
in which they might emerge victorious.  Against China, he pointed out that 
the threshold of “unacceptable” damage would probably be significantly 
higher, and America’s nuclear force structure would have to take this into 
account.  All this meant that there would be no rest for the military in 
the 1960s according to Wohlstetter.

But nuclear strategy and war were not the only concerns on Wohlstetter’s 
mind.  By 1968, Wohlstetter was deeply troubled by the sweeping critiques 
of America’s global mission  that the Vietnam war was encouraging, both at 
home and abroad.  In an essay clarifying his thoughts on the war, he 
disagreed with the popular idea that the war was a product of a military 
bureaucracy that had lost its moorings.  

The Vietnam war, from which he claims to have dissented early on, was the 
product of bad decision making by McNamara and Rostow in his view.  From 
the beginning, Wohlstetter thought the architects of the war misread their 
options.  They could either have committed themselves to a political 
solution involving the reconstruction of South Vietnam through aid and 
democratic reform, an alternative to which he was sympathetic.  Or they 
could have opted for a military solution, which meant weighing in with 
overwhelming force.  The imbroglio, in his opinion, was the product of a 
war strategy that did neither.

Wohlstetter was also troubled by talk that smacked of isolationism, whether 
by the superpower, or any other country.  He was a firm believer in a 
global order, underwritten by America’s might and secured through the 
export of American secular and humanistic values to the rest of the world.  
In his view America could not be a great power without a worldwide web of 
interests.   And this web of interests could not be secured through 
military means alone, although no holes could be left in the military 
underpinnings of this web in the nuclear age.

In 1962, Wohlstetter left the RAND Corporation and entered academia, doing 
brief stints in different universities before settling down at the 
University of Chicago in 1964.  It was here that he met a bright young 
student doing his dissertation in the Political Science department.  His 
name was Paul Wolfowitz.  Wolfowitz was drawn to Wohlstetter’s intellect 
and temperament and began working under his supervision to carry his ideas 

Wolfowitz became interested in strategic questions in the nuclear age and 
picked up where Wohlstetter left off.  Where Wohlstetter had warned of 
preparing for a rearmed USSR and a nuclear China, Wolfowitz considered the 
third dimension along which nuclear strategy would evolve in the future:  
nuclear proliferation.  

Wolfowitz wrote his dissertation on nuclear proliferation in the Middle 
East at the University of Chicago before joining the Defense Department as 
a young recruit in the Middle Eastern affairs division during the Nixon 
administration.  He argued that America’s strategic posture needed to look 
beyond simply defending traditional allies against the Communist bloc.  
Areas where vital natural resources for America’s economy were concentrated 
ought as much to be part of a strategic defense umbrella, and anybody with 
capability to threaten these areas must be viewed with concern.  Nuclear 
proliferation in the Middle East was a central concern for him since, in 
true Wohlstetter fashion, he argued that even the hint of nuclear weapons 
in such an important area was a matter of the gravest concern for America.

Those were the heady seventies, thick with confusion from an enduring 
recession, a crisis in the Presidency, and withdrawal from a catastrophic 
war.  The national security establishment was under attack from all 
directions.  Senator William Fulbright had led a Senatorial charge to cap 
defense expenditures in order to help finance the Great Society programs 
against poverty at the start of the decade.  The Nixon administration had 
entered into strategic arms limitation talks (SALT) with the USSR to cap 
the mounting bill from the military build-up of the 1960s.  And détente 
with China had deprived the defense establishment with the only large enemy 
after the USSR against which it could justify its enormous budgets.

Wohlstetter viewed all these developments with alarm, and in 1974 issued a 
call to arms to all his cadres.  He claimed that over the past several 
years, the CIA had been systematically underestimating the Soviet nuclear 
weapons stockpile in its annual National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) 
drawn up for the President.  He was quickly joined in by a chorus of 
defense oriented right wing bureaucrats and legislators who believed in a 
continued global role for the American armed forces.  They called for an 
alternative “threat assessment” to be drawn up by an ad hoc group of 
individuals from diverse backgrounds alongside the NIE drawn up by the 
intelligence community.

In 1975, CIA Director William Colby dismissed their request for access to 
classified intelligence on Soviet nuclear weapons.  But the calls were 
persistent, originating from the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory 
Board (PFIAB), a panel of appointees who held no other government post and 
served no function other than “advising” the President on various matters.  
It had been used during these times to park pointless conservatives for 
whom no viable job was available anywhere else in government, but who were 
too well connected to be left out altogether.

In 1976, when George Bush Sr became CIA director, the request for access to 
raw intelligence was renewed, and after consulting with the White House, 
Bush Sr approved it.  Three separate teams were constituted to examine raw 
intelligence on Soviet nuclear assets and produce a report each.   These 
came to be called the Team B reports.  Wolfowitz was an outspoken member.

The contents of the Team B reports are alarming for the threats they saw in 
the Soviet nuclear build up, and startling for the methodologies they 
used.  They projected that by 1984, the USSR would deploy about 500 
Backfire strategic bombers, whereas the real figure in 1984 was less the 
half that.  They claimed that the Soviet Union was working on an anti-
acoustic submarine, and failing to find any evidence of one, stated quite 
seriously that one may already be deployed since it appears to have evaded 

Their claims for what the Soviets held, and what they would be in a 
position to deploy were all drawn from worst case scenarios.  But the Team 
B reports are more significant for the thinking that they reveal.  The 
authors relied heavily on projecting future Soviet stockpiles in light of 
current expenditures, and built up a picture of a USSR bent on dominating 
the world based on wild speculations, including writings by an 18th century 
Russian General.  When the Team B reports were ignored by the Carter 
administration, the members took their crusade to the press, prompting 
calls from Congress for hearings on its findings.

When Reagan entered office, the Team B members were back in business.  
Wolfowitz was sent as ambassador to Indonesia and other members found 
positions in the defense and state departments.  The Reagan defense build-
up of the 1980s and the evil empire rhetoric of the second cold war built 
on the work of Team B members.  The result was the largest defense budget 
increases in peacetime history.  

By the first Bush administration, Wolfowitz was working for Richard Cheney, 
the Secretary of Defense.  In May 1990 he delivered a briefing for Cheney 
recommending that the US take steps to ensure its strategic dominance of 
the world for the foreseeable future.  He was then assigned as Director, 
Defense Planning Board of the Pentagon and tasked with writing up the next 
Defense Planning Guidance paper recommending where America’s military 
priorities ought to be in the post-Cold war world.

Wolfowitz wrote the DPG 1992 paper and sparked a storm of controversy 
immediately.  The paper was leaked to the New York Times and drew sustained 
criticism until Cheney had to clarify that it was merely an exercise and 
not a statement of official policy.  

What Wolfowitz produced in that document was nothing less than a blueprint 
for America to dominate the world.  He argued that after the defeat of the 
USSR, the next main challengers to American power will emerge on a regional 
stage, and America must prepare to confront them.  This will involve 
disarming all but a handful of countries of all weapons of mass 
destruction, and setting an aggressive confrontational posture to 
militarily dominate those regions where America has any vital interests, 
whether political or military.  

The DPG 1992 was buried when the Bush administration lost the election.  
Wolfowitz and his ilk were out of a job but used their time well to do 
their homework.  He accepted a job as Dean at Johns Hopkins university and 
maintained contact with his empire builder friends.  They wrote regularly 
in the Weekly Standard, the right wing organ where many of the ideas that 
we are seeing put into practice were discussed throughout the 1990s.

Wolfowitz and Wohlstetter come from that section of the American right wing 
that stands in opposition to the realism of Henry Kissinger.  Unlike 
Kissinger, they see the export of American values as the main prop and 
justification for an American global mission.  This is why Wohlstetter 
disapproved of McNamara’s handling of the Vietnam war, and perhaps why he 
felt compelled to answer the pangs of conscience in the face of a worldwide 
revolt against American imperialism in 1968.  

Wohlstetter spent his last few years bitterly chastising Clinton for his 
inaction in the Bosnian wars, arguing in the editorial pages of the Wall 
Street Journal that American hesitation in the face Serbian aggression 
against the muslims of Bosnia was a travesty, both morally and 
strategically.  He appealed repeatedly for the embargo on Bosnia to be 
lifted so that the muslims could at least have an opportunity to defend 
themselves.  Albert Wohlstetter died in 1997.

If Wohlstetter was a moralist at heart because he believed that power had a 
higher purpose, Andrew Marshall, his contemporary and peer in the RAND 
Corporation, who also joined in 1949, is a purist.  For Marshall there are 
no lessons to draw from Vietnam except military lessons, and power is its 
own justification.  

For 23 years, Marshall worked with the RAND Corporation but has left 
virtually no paper trail behind.  All we know of him is what we are told by 
those who have known him.  He is known as a man of few words, rarely ever 
speaking before large gatherings, meticulously avoids leaving behind a 
record, and has been described as “delphic” in his manner of speech 
sometimes.  And yet his may be the single most enduring legacy of any from 
amongst his peers.

There is very little to tell us about Marshall’s work at RAND since hardly 
any of it has been declassified.  In 1972, his friend and fellow RAND 
researcher, James Schlesinger who was serving as Secretary of Defense in 
the Nixon administration, created a little office in the Department of 
Defense titled the Office of Net Assessments (ONA), and made Marshall the 
Director.  The ONA had a murky brief.  Marshall’s job was to imagine every 
kind of threat the US military might ever face.  Marshall used the ONA to 
assist the Team B in their efforts to access raw intelligence.  He followed 
Soviet military thinking closely, ran war game exercises involving novel 
scenarios, and taught a summer seminar at the Naval War College.  For 30 
years Marshall has directed the ONA, and built for himself a formidable 
reputation and an equally formidable network of protégés in and out of 

In the 1970s, Marshall busied himself with concepts of ballistic missile 
defense and closely reading Soviet literature on nuclear war.  This is 
where he came across the writings of the Soviet general staff on the nature 
of military revolutions.  The Soviet officers were arguing that advances in 
missile, communication and sensor technologies were creating the conditions 
for a “military technical revolution” somewhat akin to how artillery had 
rendered horse mounted cavalry obsolete.

Marshall was impressed, and followed this idea of military revolutions 
closely.  He found that the period in the 1920s and 30s was the most 
dynamic period in military revolutions, seeing new technologies like 
aircraft, but also new operational concepts in supply and maneouver such as 
blitzkrieg.  He became an advocate of just such a revolution, but added 
that it was not exclusively technology driven, but opertationally driven as 

He called his ideas the “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA).  Failing to 
make much headway with top level decision makers in replacing containment 
and deterrence thinking with RMA, he turned his attention to the officer 
corps of the Pentagon.  He ran annual exercises, war games and seminars and 
stimulated his students at the Naval War College to think about warfare in 
entirely new terms.

He attracted quite a following.  Barry Watts, an air force pilot and 
graduate of the airforce academy, took his ideas to Northrop Grumman 
Corporation and as director of their Analysis Center, persuaded the company 
to look away from large fighter platforms and towards high tech avionics 
for its future.  Grumman was the first company bring the ideas of the RMA 
on board.

Lt Gen. Andrew Krepenevich of the Marine Corps was another protégé, who was 
immensely impressed with Marshall's novel thinking on the role of 
information in warfare, and authored a book with Zalmay Khalilzad, an oil 
company consultant and current Bush envoy to Afghanistan and Iran, on the 

His best known protégé is probably Donald Rumsfeld, whose association with 
Marshall is decades old, dating from Rumsfeld’s early days in the 
Pentagon.  Rumseld became an early proponent of ballistic missile defense, 
a Marshall idea and belonged to that clique of hawkish policy makers who 
were opposed to Kissinger’s ideas of détente and engagement with China.

Following the collapse of the USSR, Marshall had a brief period when he 
argued that the USSR was now at its most dangerous moment since they might 
lash out at one last chance to militarily hold their empire together.  In 
the early 90s, Marshall became a China hawk, arguing that Chinese growth 
rates had made it possible for China to become a nuclear competitor of the 
US within 25 years.  In 1993 the ONA funded a series of roundtable 
discussions amongst all the services to discuss the military impact of 
advances in information technology, the value of space warfare, joint 
operational commands and greater coordination amongst the services, and the 
impact of declining budgets on the RMA.

By 1994, Marshall’s twenty year long efforts to convert the Pentagon 
officer corps were beginning to bear fruit.  Deputy Secretary of Defense 
William Perry started a project to conduct a department wide discussion on 
the RMA.  The project looked at future defense needs till 2015 and 
recommended the most promising technologies and operational concepts, 
conducted war games to simulate these defense environments and produced a 
report on their findings.

When the Bush administration came to power, the RMA was put into practice.  
Rumsfeld was made the Secretary of Defense, and began by appointing Barry 
Watts to the Program Evaluation and Assessment Office, James Roche as the 
Secretary of the Air Force, and empowered Andrew Marshall to conduct a 
sweeping review of the military and make recommendations to make the 
military into a 21st century fighting force.  The RMA was no longer part of 
the lunatic fringe from where it had originated.  Its adherents were now in 
control, and were going to make their presence felt.

The outcome was the Quadrennial Defense Review of 2002.  The review called 
for reshaping the armed forces to make them lighter, faster, more flexible 
and able to conduct multi theater operations simultaneously.  It met fierce 
resistance from the old guard of the services, who were wedded to the 
status quo and feared seeing their pet fighter wings, aircraft carrier 
battle groups and armored divisions get scrapped.  But Marshall and his ilk 
have a history of an almost cult like confidence in their mission, and a 
determination to succeed that is best seen in their 30 year long effort 
that has only now come to its moment of truth.

The ideas of Marshall and Wohlstetter drive the foreign policy of the Bush 
administration.  The doctrine of pre-emptive action only takes 
Wohlstetter’s logic behind the second strike capability to its logical 
conclusion in a world where those who possess weapons of mass destruction 
may not be as easily deterred as the USSR was.  And the war on terrorism 
has provided that environment of perpetual uncertainty in war that Marshall 
and his protégés have been thinking about for decades.  As the superpower 
girds itself for a ruinous war in an uncertain part of the world, one is 
reminded of the hubris of power and the follies that led America into the 
Vietnam war.  Today America is being steered into an endless war precisely 
by those who have been preparing for this sort of world all their lives.   
We shall soon see whether they know what they are doing.

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