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by Saima Alvi
19 April 2003 15:53 UTC
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A cold eye on Zion

Until then Israel had "an existential basis, derived from the Holocaust," Elon argues. "I was repelled by the notion of historical rights. It exists in German history, Irish history, Serb history. It always leads to disaster. If there's any lesson in European history, it is precisely this." ........
Echoes from Chechen guerrillas
Hadji Murat was Tolstoy's last substantial work: yet he knew, as he completed it, that it would never be published in his lifetime. It is a work based on the facts of the life and death of the eponymous Chechen separatist guerrilla, who terrorised the Russian army in the mid-19th century but surrendered himself to the tsar's forces after falling out with his own commander.

Two things are particularly striking about this story......


Dogged by destiny

Arab nationalism shares some of these negative traits with other nationalist movements, but there is one basic difference: it is not the ideology of one nation-state, but of the entire region......



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