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Re: Ideology of the World-System (2) - Wohlstetter, Strauss
by Threehegemons
19 April 2003 13:34 UTC
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In a message dated 4/19/2003 5:01:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
gktbg1@tiscali.de writes:

> Le Monde, mercredi 16 avril 2003, p 12-13, carried an article, entitled (in
> French) "The Strategist and the Philosopher", referring to Albert
> Wohlstetter and Leo Strauss, as the intellectual fathers of the
> neoconservatism of the present Washington establishment. The article
> observes, inter alia, that "The ostracism that victimized the students of
> Leo Strauss in the American university milieu pushed them into public
> service, 'think tanks', and the press." The article discusses the ideas of
> Wohlstetter and Strauss and shows some links with public pronouncements -
> for example, the emphasis on value and virtue by Strauss 
> and the stand
> against an "axis of evil" by Bush.

Any possibility you could translate more of this article?

Steven Sherman

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