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US coordinated death squads in Iraq
by KenRichard2002
18 April 2003 17:33 UTC
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The US military without a doubt is coordinating and directing death squad activity during curfew hours.  This is naturally the case as there are many former Iraqi personnel associated with the Baath Party whom the US wants to see arrested or eliminated.    During the major war effort,  the US military targetted political leadership for assassination.   Attacks on Baathist Party offices,  known to be holding the civilian political leadership, were known to have been made while meetings were going on within them.   

Now I have to ask,  if the US is so appalled by the Iraqi regime and the personalities that are said to exemplify it,  such as *Chemical Alli*,   then where in the hell was the US during South African aparthied,  where the majority of the citizens could not vote,  where the government had obtained weapons of mass destruction in the categories of nuclear, chemical, and biological?   Why did the US request a Truth and Reconcilliation Commission to listen to individuals like *Dr. Death*,   a man who personally lathered up ANC militants with chemicals used to suffocate them to death?  Why has the US praised Nelson Mandela for forgiving a government and a military machine which used cholera as a weapon against neighboring states?  Why is it supposed to be a wonderful thing that the government in South Africa today does not make issue of the fact that the aparthied era government sought to *reduce black fertility* through a viral agent?   The US has taken the opposite track with Iraq.  I for one wish to God that the South Africans today would go after the foul faces behind the apartheid era government actions in the same manner the Israelis went after former Nazis.   I think they would find the exercise very empowering.

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