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Re: NEWS: Robert Fisk: American hired arsonists? Americans removing the PR m...
by KenRichard2002
18 April 2003 17:21 UTC
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I find it interesting that Fisk reaches the same conclusion I have almost simultaneously.   If one recalls that the US military bused to the Iraqi border a large number of *refugees* who we originally imagined would be bused to the Palestine Hotel to perform the major street dancing for reporters, news photographers and journalist,  then one has to wonder why they did not show up on schedule or one has to conclude that they are being bused elsewhere to perform other deeds...

The occupation strategy for Iraq has been crafted by the same individuals who have shaped Israel's occupation of Palestine.   There has been extensive information exchange between the Israeli military and the US military over how occupation should be carried out and anyone who is familiar with accounts of the Israeli occupation can see the situation is riddled with similarities and will continue to be so.   A former, highranking, retired Israeli military man has stated that the US occupation of Iraq will perhaps end up more costly than Israel's occupation of Palestine given that Iraq is a much larger country,  has a greater population,  the population is educated,  (like the Palestinians only the Iraqis have actually been able to attend school and universities over the past two years),  there are many factories and also there are more resources about.    The US military claimed that when they took over the industrial zone of Baghdad they found one factory with large, expensive metal lathes thrown all about in the sand outside the building.   The military spokesman who made that claim must have arrived 10 minutes after the US military personnel got through dismantling the factory and throwing all the expensive equipment outside to rust.

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