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Fwd: Berlinski--A Scientific Scandal Part I From Commentary
by KenRichard2002
14 April 2003 15:41 UTC
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--- Begin Message --- Isn't the human body simply fascinating?  Recent research has revealed that the entire body of the starfish,  it's bone like structure, has embedded across it thousands upon thousands of microscopic eyes.  What an interesting way to observe the world.  One has to wonder at what a fascinating consciousness the crab must have obtained whose nerve system is entirely decentralized.  A species of semi-collective consciousness within one organism.

Numerous primordial myths surrounding the origin of man state that "once, at the beginning of time..."   there was a great ocean upon the earth,  then land arose, then man rose from the waters and lay upon the mud...  these ancient religions also stated that all things are related and are really as one.   

Modern evolutionary research as well as scientific and genetic research bear out these ancient cosmologies and indigenous religious beliefs.  The earth was covered by water,  a mound did arise from the sea, man's ancestor's did originate in the great ocean and were deposited upon the land.  All things are related, sharing much of the same dna. We have within our bodies as a necessary requirement of life mineral from the soil. And as often quoted, "Even stardust is a part of us".  

Unfortunately,  there is a great deal of competition among species and man is one species which with a constant regularity competes violently and bloodily over the matter of the allocation of resources.  Modern groups, such as Americans, have no qualms about starving, depriving or butchering other groups, ethnicities, nationalities, etc., due to the central role of *competition* within the ideology of the *dominant* group.  Like Robinson Crusoe,  as primitive as can be...

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