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by Trichur Ganesh
13 February 2003 22:34 UTC
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Probably $128,000 dollars in oil, a thousand dollars worth of oil per person
sent!  Who knows?  The whole war-game and the rallying in favor of  warmaking
borders on the absurd.  Perhaps we need that absurdity in the sense in which
Adorno speaks about sense needing absurdity in order not to fall victim to
'objective madness'.  Ganesh.

Alan Spector wrote:

> First Bulgaria, and now----
> Today's newspapers reported that the parliament of Romania has voted
> UNANIMOUSLY (with many abstentions) to support the U.S. government's plan to
> attack Iraq. They have pledged to send about 128 troops to help in the
> effort.
> That is just a bit more than the number of students in my 9:30 lecture
> class.
> ====================================
> On another, related, note, we see where the once-lowly Northwestern
> basketball team has defeated Purdue, just after defeating Indiana, two
> highly regarded (Indiana) state university basketball teams. Indiana is
> having a serious financial crisis. Northwestern, a private school, announced
> that their fundraising effort was a smashing success. The real question is:
> will Indiana and Purdue suddenly find themselves with some huge anonymous
> grant to help ease their crisis? Okay, I'm just joking (maybe.)  But how
> much is poor, desperate, cashed-strapped Romania going to get for sending
> their 128 troops, and lending their "name" to this assault on Iraq?
> Alan Spector

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