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Re: So what!
by John Till
30 January 2003 18:30 UTC
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Your response illustrates my point. My mother and father were Irish and German 
Catholics, not scientific humanists. So were a lot of other mothers and 
fathers. Or Lutherans, Baptists, Jews, Muslims, shamanic peoples, etc. Outside 
the USSR and China, where people didn't have any choice about confession (both 
states being officially "scientific socialist"), and tiny comprador elites and 
leftist vanguards in the rest of the world, the faith of most folks has never 
been scientific humanism. Scientific humanism is pretty thin gruel as religious 
experience, and I'm pretty sure that for all intents and purposes it's a dead 

John Everett Till 

-----Original Message-----
From: wwagar@binghamton.edu [mailto:wwagar@binghamton.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 12:03 PM
To: John Till
Cc: wsn@csf.colorado.edu

[SNIP] Having said this, of course I must add that I believe the best way to
reanimate and mobilize socialism is to return to the religion of OUR
mothers and fathers--scientific humanism.  Being hominids, we still need
religion, but let it be a religion that squares with our reason and
experience as denizens of the 21st Century, not the 7th or the 1st.


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