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Re: New bin Laden statement released
by GRHaleJr
28 December 2001 16:24 UTC
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In a message dated 12/27/2001 11:12:53 PM Central Standard Time, Jay@fenello.com writes:

This is the "World Systems' List," is it not?
I can't imagine a reason why the following
post would be consider inappropriate here.

      Some people, when your views do not agree with theirs, will accuse you of being inappropriate, here, there, anywhere.

      Many have complained about my anti-one-world statements, that they had no place on this site.  If you don't or won't hear what your opposition is saying then you are one real social bigot.  You are saying, "don't confuse me with fact, or your stupid opinion".  Intelligent people do not do that.

Gordon Hale
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