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Re: moral judgemnts?
by Louis Proyect
27 December 2001 17:20 UTC
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>If we canot say if it is wrong or right, who can
>do  it? Only god can judge you, american fellow?
>Did you or your parents our even  your political
>party took any from the weak to mantain your
>status quo? Do you  agree with that?  Itīs very
>sad to read those lines in the so called  World
>System Network. I hope to read less  bullshit
>next year.
>Bruno Becker

This is the price we pay for the irresponsibility of Peter Grimes, 
who walked away from this mailing list without delegating 
moderational responsibilities on to somebody new. Because of this, 
anybody can subscribe to this list and write crude love poems to 
Yankee imperialism. I am afraid that this dereliction of duty speaks 
poorly of the internal coherence of the world systems school. If such 
a breakdown in communication can take place on an electronic forum 
dedicated to this trend, then one wonders if it has much of a sense 
of its mission in the world. I happen to think that world systems 
theory is a necessary corrective to certain Marxist orthodoxies, but 
at least with Marxism you get a sense that the movement--for better 
or for worse--has a sense of its mission.

Louis Proyect, lnp3@panix.com on 12/27/2001

Marxism list: http://www.marxmail.org

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