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Re: moral judgemnts?
by Assesoria Jurídica
27 December 2001 16:38 UTC
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Honestly, I usually do not take part in the WSN discussions. But this guy, Mr. Gordon Hale, just crossed the limits...
"We must REMAIN strong or lose what has been built up for us." 
Has been built by whom? For whom? "Remain strong" means to demolish Afganistan, and then go toward Iraq, Somalia and any other country that could, in any way, be a nail-sized threat to your way of life? I´m sitting in front of my computer in Brazil doing my ordinary office work, but for you, or the CIA, I could be a potentialy threat to your country, just because I do not agree with you...
"The strong take from the weak.  Whether that is right or not is not for us to say."  
If we canot say if it is wrong or right, who can do it? Only god can judge you, american fellow? Did you or your parents our even your political party took any from the weak to mantain your status quo? Do you agree with that? 
It´s very sad to read those lines in the so called World System Network. I hope to read less bullshit next year.
Bruno Becker
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