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Re: inquiry
by Contamine
27 October 2001 22:15 UTC
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Sorry for my english i'm not Muslim but  I totaly agree with Khaldoun
Samman. It's again a perfect exemple of what Edward W. Said  call "Le choc
des civilisations, ou le choc de l'ignorance" or "The Clash of Ignorance"

 <can anyone briefly discuss the Islamic concept of heaven. in particular,
what role does gender play in their conception of heaven. a good friend is
writing a column for a popular audience on 9/11 and the US response>>
> He may want to also ask the question:
> In order to learn more about the Oklahoma bombing and the US sponsoring of
terrorist organizations like the Contras (which killed 20,000 civilians with
the financial aid and training by the US), I'm also interested in the
Christian concept of heaven and especially how it pertains to the issue of
social justice.  Isn't the fact that this question is not asked of "the
West" but yet made repeatedly for Muslims a racialized question, even by
those liberals who are well meaning?  I for one am tired for speaking for
the Muslim world.  "Islam means peace . . ." and all that stuff.
> Khaldoun Samman

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