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Global war
by Bernd Hamm
13 September 2001 11:43 UTC
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Von:                    Bernd Hamm <hamm@uni-trier.de>
An:                     @LIST3E24.PML
Betreff:                Global war
Datum:          Thu, 13 Sep 2001 13:17:03 +0200

Yes friends,

I am deeply compassionate with all victims of these terrifying acts 
of aggression, without any reservations.
I am deeply compassionate with them - as I am with all victims of 
any aggression, wherever it comes from, and from whom.
Yes friends - I am deeply compassionate with all those victims - as 
I am with all the victims of US government aggression, supported or 
at least tolerated by the other western countries, since the 
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and throughout the latest 
history of our planet right onto Irak, Palestine, and Kosovo.

The analytical lesson is that this marks the definite end of a world 
in which the rich few can unprosecutedly appropriate the natural 
and human resources of the poor many, and violate their human 
rights. This is far from being cracy, this is a declaration of war from 
the poor against the rich, as Frantz Fanon has foreseen.

There is only one rational consequence possible if we want to avoid 
the path towards global war: a non-violent one. The rich countries of 
the world now have a very little window in time to change their 
routes and accept their part to create a just global order (to which 
they/we have subscribed so often, but never contributed). The only 
possible non-violent action is to submit to international law and 
bring all those to the International Court of Justice who have 
planned and executed these horrible acts - but also all those who 
have done similar things, directly or indirectly, to others in the past. 
If not, we give up the major achievements of civilization, and are 
being bombed back into barbarism.

If the Federation would be willing to formulate a public stand along 
these lines, I would sign. More important and more urgent is it to 
me that we all, whoever can, write letters to our governments urging 
them to do everything possible to avoid escalation.

Deeply desparate, Bernd Hamm

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