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Re: NY plane crashes
by Carl Nordlund
11 September 2001 17:09 UTC
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Oh, now there's a different tone in mr Spector's voice. I didn't see a trace of "emotional solidarity" in your initial post, so it is nice to see a non-cynical response from you.
Remeber this to the next time you make pre-analytical, uninformed statements: don't do them. You do not only seem non-emotional and non-solidaritarian, you also hurt many people who, like me, knew people that were in the WTC building when it was hit.
So just shut up for now, will you?
- - - - -
Demesta - Academic Solutions
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: NY plane crashes

Even in the worst of times we have to keep a calm head about things. We all have a right and responsibility to share our emotional solidarity with the victims, but even in the worst of times, we have to try to avoid panic. That's all I was trying to do -- because if a "lynch mob" mentality develops, it will result in even more horror.
Alan Spector
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: NY plane crashes

I have just seen the news on TV regarding the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington and I turned on my Internet in order to get more information.
As a PhD student in world-system analysis, I was utterly disgusted and horrified by the way you use the worst terrorist act so far in the democratic world, playing funny word games and discussing how the rhetoric might change in the near future.
Who f--king cares, mr Spector?
And how the f--k can you make such a statement when you admit that you don't know what caused the incident?
Yours not-very-respectfully and quite upset even before reading the Alan-post,
Carl Nordlund
- - -
MA, PhD student
Human Ecology Division, Lund University
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: NY plane crashes

Well, I don't know who or what caused the plane crashes into the World Trade Center. But the casualties will include more than the immediate victims. We can expect to hear the rhetoric of "anti-terrorism" reach a new pitch, and with a government that labels peaceful protestors as terrorists, we can expect to see pressure for more laws suppressing dissent.
Does anyone else smell the "F" word gradually, in steps and stages, moving towards center stage?
(That's "F" for fascism, not the other F word.)
Alan Spector 
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