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Fw: NY plane crashes
by Alan Spector
11 September 2001 15:12 UTC
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My earlier message was not thought through carefully, and I understand how it could have been misinterpreted.
Obviously this is a terrible, terrible tragedy. The people who committed it have NOTHING to do with any kind of social justice causes. The human tragedy, the thousands of destroyed families is too much to grasp. I understand that.
I also heard news reporters continually try to goad government officials into placing the blame on someone prematurely. I sincerely hope that I did not convey a callous attitude towards this bombing; people who know me know that. My sister has had an office in that building, for chrissake, but she wasn't there today. But immediate family members notwithstanding, it is obvious that thousands of innocent people have had their lives shattered by this.
I am also concerned about how lynch mob hysteria can build after a terrible tragedy like this. I hope other people are also concerned about that.
Alan Spector
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Austin
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: NY plane crashes

What kind of full of crap ideological fanatic turns this tragedy into a petty attack on an economic system?  Regardless of one's philosophical views, anti-terrorism seems to be in order.
Ben Austin
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:36 AM
Subject: NY plane crashes

Well, I don't know who or what caused the plane crashes into the World Trade Center. But the casualties will include more than the immediate victims. We can expect to hear the rhetoric of "anti-terrorism" reach a new pitch, and with a government that labels peaceful protestors as terrorists, we can expect to see pressure for more laws suppressing dissent.
Does anyone else smell the "F" word gradually, in steps and stages, moving towards center stage?
(That's "F" for fascism, not the other F word.)
Alan Spector 
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