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Re: Take Action Now to Support Protests of Fall World Bank/IMF Meetings
by SOncu
13 August 2001 05:20 UTC
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In a message dated 01-08-12 19:59:34 EDT, carl@demesta.com writes:

> Based on this statement of purpose, I must ask whether posts rallying for 
> anti-globalisation belongs here, posts implictly taking for granted that 
> there is a shared belief that analytical, academical/scientific interest in 
> world system perspectives also entails a massive interest for normative 
> action against this vaguely undefined "globalisation" taking place. Or will 
> world system analysis, dependency theory and "meta-macroeconomics" once 
> again only be remembered as a part of an angry youth movement in the late 
> early 00's?

Well my young friend,

Given my age, I don't think I would qualify to be part of a youth movement 
but surely I  qualify to belong to the angry bunch. What you call this 
undefined "globalisation", I call imperialism, mainly that of the US.

Now, you may not like them if you like but my concerns are "slightly" 
different than an analytical, academical/scientific interest in world system 

Why would anyone study in such detail such a bloody sytem that gives nothing 
but misery to the majority of the world's population, including the 
population of this semi-pheripheral country of mine, if they have no 
intention to help bring this system to an end to replace it with a fair, just 
and humane system, that I call socialist?


Maybe the above sentence of mine is too long and difficult to understand by 
the standars of the editors of some academic journals but believe me, I don't 
give a shit if so, as we say back home.

Sabri Oncu  


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