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Re: Take Action Now to Support Protests of Fall World Bank/IMF Meetings
by Carl Nordlund
12 August 2001 23:58 UTC
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Dear wsn list members,
Although, or perhaps because, I am fairly new to this email list, I would like to ask for a clarification of the purpose of this list. As I am about to begin my PhD studies in human ecology this autumn where my dissertation will be an effort to quantitatively integrate world system analysis with traditional and modern economic geography, I am of course very much interested in the current debates and discussions concerning world system analysis and analytical perspectives of the world from a 'Wallersteinian' viewpoint.
I found this purpose at csf:
"WSN is an electronic conferencing network and information source for scholars and researchers who are studying world-systems. The purpose of WSN is to facilitate the sharing of information about research, data, publications, announcements, meetings, syllabi, commentary, book reviews, scuttlebut and etc. " (http://csf.colorado.edu/wsystems/)
Based on this statement of purpose, I must ask whether posts rallying for anti-globalisation belongs here, posts implictly taking for granted that there is a shared belief that analytical, academical/scientific interest in world system perspectives also entails a massive interest for normative action against this vaguely undefined "globalisation" taking place. Or will world system analysis, dependency theory and "meta-macroeconomics" once again only be remembered as a part of an angry youth movement in the late 90's early 00's?
Carl Nordlund
- - - - -
Demesta - Academic Solutions
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 8:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Take Action Now to Support Protests of Fall World Bank/IMF Meetings

>The fall meetings of the World Bank and the IMF in Washington, D.C. are just seven weeks away and planning and preparations are underway for some of the biggest anti-globalization protests to date. You are receiving this e-mail because you shared your e-mail address with protest organizers recently and we need your support to help make the planned Global Justice Week happen.
>We are asking you to do two things right now to help build for the protests, rallies, teach-ins and actions planned for Sept. 26 -- Oct. 4 in Washington, D.C.
>First, get your butt to Washington D.C. at the end of September and make your voice heard for global justice. Visit http://www.globalizethis.org now and in the future for a calendar, downloadable materials, networking, travel and housing information and more.
>Second, it takes money, honey. Phone calls, faxes, signs, posters, permits, stages, meeting rooms, sound equipment and more all cost us money. The Mobilization for Global Justice (the all-volunteer group helping to plan the week) needs your financial support. Take one minute right now to click on the link below and make a donation to our work:
>Remember to spread the word. Send this e-mail to friends, family, coworkers and others who might be interested.
>Thanks for all that you do.
>From the combined e-mail list of http://www.globalizethis.org
>Unsubscribe: http://www.globalizethis.org/s30/postmaster.cfm?ID=8447&token=818216&action=unsubscribe
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