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Re: some thoughts on globalism/imperialism & class (fwd)
by CJR
08 August 2001 23:47 UTC
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ergin Yildizoglu [mailto:ergin.yildizoglu@blueyonder.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:59 PM
To: Charles J. Reid
Cc: wsn-owner@csf.colorado.edu
Subject: RE: some thoughts on globalism/imperialism & class (fwd)

Dear friends


Post revolutionary process  disolves the capitalist
relations only gradually. Capitalists cease to be capitalists only
pysically. They remain capitalists ideologically for a very long time..

CR-- There is no empirical evidence that the "Post revolutionary process
dissolves the capitalist relations only gradually." This is a Marxist
hypothesis. However, it may very well be true and verifiable. However,
the outcome is not a classless society, but the consolidation of wealth
in the hands of the "Princes of Corporate Feudalism." Remember that Adam
Smith's requirements for capitalism included a marketplace with large
numbers of producers and consumers. Agriculture became the ideal model.
But we see today that even agriculture is consolidated, with a few
agribusiness corporations controlling more and more of the agricultural
marketplace. Indeed, "capitalist relations" made be gradually
dissolving, but they are not dissolving into a classless society.

EY: Violence comes in first in the form of a civil war then is deployed
defend the new social and political structures and the process of
transformation- as class struggle coninues for a very long time...

CR -- Glad to see you reinforce my point on this. But again, all efforts
to abolish social classes require violence and will fail. The victors
form the new class, while the oppressed of the past may be no better


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