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Hardt on Charlie Rose
by Boris Stremlin
25 July 2001 06:12 UTC
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I just saw a rerun of the program, where Hardt made 3 basic points which
are germane to the previous discussion on the list.

1) _Empire_ is not another "Communist Manifesto" in the sense of providing
a model for revolutionary struggle.  It is an investigation into the
political FORM of the global regime which is in the process of emergence.
It is, therefore, as such that the book should be critiqued.

2) The nation-state has been displaced as the ONE (or the main) agency on
the political scene; it has not disappeared, and has not become
totally irrelevant as a locus of power or an object of political action.

3) The Russian Revolution is rejected as THE event which is
paradigmatically representative of the Communist tradition and movement.
It is not rejected IN FAVOR of Francis of Assisi, Spinoza, or anyone
else, but placed in the context of a broader tradition.

I don't think the transcript is available on the Web, but I assume one
could order a tape from PBS, should one be so inclined.

Boris Stremlin

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