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Re: Hardt on Charlie Rose
by Louis Proyect
25 July 2001 13:06 UTC
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(posted to the Marxism list)

I happened to tune in also and was shocked at Hardt's denial that
imperialism exists any longer.  He and Rose attacked the Genoa revolt as
misdirected, that is against the nation state (the G8 nomenclature) and that
they would fail due to the amorphous, distributive nature (ie the internet
model) of power.  What Hardt did not say was that the nation state is being
replaced by a few global corporations with more power than many nation
states (Russia is at about the GDP of Gutamela, and Wal-Mart is larger than
both them, and Bill Gates tops all that).  Hardt never once mentioned the
concept of capital or private ownership.

Now, more interesting is that this book is being printed in 10 languages and
was a large article in the NYT.  So, the message being circulated on the
book pages is that resistance is futile, there is no there there.  Amazing,
but standard Charlie Rose.  You got to watch this show to know how the
propaganda machine works.

bob anderson

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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