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Global Warming
by Elson Boles
21 June 2001 15:17 UTC
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NYT, June 21, 2001

Cold Water Flow From Arctic to Atlantic Is Falling.


Scientists have detected a substantial drop in the last 50 years in the flow
of cold deep sea water leaving the Arctic and pouring into the Atlantic
between Iceland and Scotland.

Climate experts say the obscure current, flowing south 2,000 feet beneath
the surface, is one of the engines that drive the worldwide oceanic conveyer
belt that also carries sun-warmed surface water north toward the pole.
Because the outflow of cold deep water has diminished, the influx of warm
surface water that usually replaces it also has to have declined. That
decrease could explain a recent cooling of some coastal regions near the
Norwegian Sea, said the authors of the study, which is described in today's
issue of Nature.

The study was conducted by scientists in Norway, Scotland and the Faroe
Islands, 400 miles east of Iceland, and centered on the flow of water over a
submerged ridge east of those islands. The changes there mesh with
observations of major shifts in temperature, sea ice, currents and winds
above the Arctic Circle and match some computer simulations of global
warming. But the scientists noted that the natural cycles in the area
between the Arctic and the Atlantic remained poorly understood. They said it
was too soon to say climate change caused by human activity had changed the

Other climate experts cautioned that it was premature to predict whether the
change could have broader effects on Europe, because other influences
besides sea temperature contribute to the generally mild conditions there.

"If I lived in the Faroes, I might be worried," said Dr. Richard Seager, a
senior research scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University. "But in Paris I wouldn't be worried."

Dr. Knut Aagaard, an oceanographer at the Polar Research Center of the
University of Washington in Seattle, said the research benefited from a
focus on a remote, but vital junction in the ocean's circulatory system, the
fairly narrow passages between Greenland and Europe that link Arctic waters
with the North Atlantic.

Enormous amounts of water affected by conditions far to the north flow
through the gaps, Dr. Aagaard said, adding: "These constrictions give you a
wonderful way to monitor what's going on over larger areas. If you want to
know changes in a big building, stand by the front door and you'll get a
feel for it."

One author of the study had the benefit of living and working in the Faroes.
Dr. Bogi Hansen, an oceanographer at the Faroese Fisheries Laboratory, said
instruments that tracked currents, salinity and temperature were placed on
the ridge east of the islands.

The water flowing over that sill, he said, constitutes a submarine river 10
miles wide and more than 600 feet deep, with a flow twice that of all the
world's freshwater rivers combined.

Detailed readings from the anchored instruments over five years were matched
up with separate measurements taken nearby since 1948 from weather ships,
providing a much longer-term estimate of shifts in the deep currents.

The amount of cold deep water in that time, Dr. Hansen said, has fallen 20
percent and is accelerating. "If you look at the graph," he said, "you see
the decrease is much faster in the last five years than it was over the
50-year period."

But Dr. Hansen said the record was still not long enough to determine
whether the change was linked to warming of the atmosphere from rising
levels of greenhouse gases.

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