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Re: Taiwan, capitalism, socialism, and mass murder
by ilagardien
26 April 2001 20:37 UTC
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the debate over which system killed more people may be a futile exercise;
frankly people have been killing each other for centuries, to now try and
explain which system amounted to the death of more people outside of an
historical context of the murder and mayhem over the centuries may be a waste of

Several hundred years ago the chines raped and plundered what is now Indonesia
"to profit from trade" and bestow the greatness of the emperor onto the
indigenous people... which system, other than greed, barbarity, callousness and
violence was responsible for that. there are very many examples throughout
history. The christians slaughterd jews and muslims in Spain; does that mean
christianity and christians should take responsibility... aggh

Ismail Lagardien
World Bank Institute
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