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Re: Quebec wall down!
by g kohler
21 April 2001 21:58 UTC
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jon wrote:

I don't see how these
> protests can be divorced from "scholarly" world systems discourse and
> analysis.  It seems to me that they make up an integral (and equally
> compelling--for those concerned with analysis) part of the larger and
> ongoing discourse within the world system.
I am in favour of such dialogue between egg heads and egg throwers. Being
more at home with academia than with activism, I am wondering what kinds of
questions do activists have for which they would like to have some
elucidation from academics? For example, the question how to scale a fence
in the presence of tear gas is a question that an academic cannot answer.
But what else would an activist want to know? Perhaps, if you are a Third
World activist, your question may be: How can I get a computer or fax
machine to better organize my local activities? That is another important
question, but one that an academic cannot answer. Therefore, my question:
What would be an activist's question that an academic of the world(-)system
school should answer and has not answered yet? (This is not a rhetorical
question. I would really like to know what the major "need to know" is on
the part of activists, assuming that some activists and some academics share
a common hope for the future.)

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