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I told you so.
by Boles (office)
16 February 2001 22:10 UTC
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I wrote on 1-10-2001:  "I'm sure Bush Jr. will not hesitate to start another war like dear old Dad."
Well, Bush's first use military force (that we know of) isn't a war, but a continuation of military destruction where dear old Dad started a war, as well as the lingering sanctions that continue to take the lives of thousands of Iraqi children each month.   I think Jr.  is just getting warmed up.   And so much for the concern about an isolationist policy. 
And we've also learned since January that Jr. is breaking with recent Pentagon policy in his quest to pour billions more into the US military's high-tech capabilities, in addition to MDS.   The corporations, who just months ago were calling for a "wealthfare" government infusion of cash, are beaming with anticipation of cash rolling in.   This is where the surplus should be spent.   That and a huge tax break for the rich.
What does Jr. say to the concerned EU about his military plans?  "Don't worry, we'll sell it to you too!" 
We all agree US hegemony is past, but is the mafioso racket here for a while?   By increasing US military power and demonstrating resolve to use it, is Bush hastening the decline of US power in general, as Wallerstein suggests, or simply building it up?  (Keep in mind that England, for one, doesn't wish to see a strengthened Germany behind an independent EU force outside NATO.  Can Europe overcome its politics to really unite against the US?) Given the structural changes of the world-system since 1945 that suggest we are in a period of transition, and given that systemic chaos seems just around the corner, I don't think we count on the inexorable laws of the world-system to continue
President Bush, shown above at a press conference in Mexico on Friday, approved an operation to bomb five Iraqi military sites.

Here is an alternative, some would say more appropriate, set of photos of Bush (and his family-species resemblance).

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