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Re: rkm's manifesto
by Thomas Griffiths
19 January 2001 02:39 UTC
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At 01:36 AM 19-01-01 +0000, Richard K. Moore wrote:
>You say that regimes rise and fall.  And so they have, from
>time immemorial.  What I'm suggesting is that we may have
>reached the end of that cycle.  I may be wrong, and would be
>happy to consider counter-evidence.  But simply stating the
>contrary, as an assumption, is not a rebuttal.

rkm, isn't the onus on you to provide evidence that this cycle is at an
end, particularly since its been going on for a few thousand years. There's
a lot of evidence out there that this cycle continues - "The Spiral of
Capitalism and Socialism" cited by Richard N Hutchinson, is a very recent
text that summarises and puts forward a lot of evidence to suggest this
we're not at the end of history yet.


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