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Current Politics and Economics of Asia
by Tausch, Arno
15 January 2001 14:09 UTC
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Current Politics and Economics of Asia 
Editorial Advisory Board        Area Editors    
Shigeyuki Itow 
(Kyushu Sangyo Univ., Fukuoka, Japan)   Yukio Satow 
(Inst. of Peace and Science, Hiroshima Univ., Japan)    
Takashi Shiraishi 
(Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan)       Shinji Anzo 
(Meiji Univ., Tokyo, Japan)     
Richard Rice 
(Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN, USA)    Yoshiaki Kobayashi 
(Keio Univ., Tokyo, Japan)      
Jean-Marie Bouissou 
(Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris,)      Lawrence T.
(Bishop's University, Quebec, Canada)   
Dirk Anthony Ballendorf 
(University of Guam, Magilao, Guam)     Yuzo Yabuno 
(Kita-Kyushu City Univ., Kita-Kyushu City, Japan)       
Kazuomi Ouchi 
(Seinan Gakuin Univ., Fukuoka, Japan)   Naoko Takahashi 
(Fukuoka Minami Girls' High School, Fulcuolca, Japan)   
Tae-Chang Kim 
(Chungbuk Natiional Univ., Cheong/Ju, Korea)    Kiyoshi Kawahito
(Middle Tennessee State Univ., Murfreesboro, TN, USA)   
Morishige Nishihara 
(Okinawa International Univ., Okinawa, Japan)   Yoshiya Yamasaki 
(Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan)       
Consulting Editor 
Felix Chin              
Recent articles: 
A Security Panorama of Southeast Asia 
Wilfried A. Hermann 
Japan: A Country Profile 
Jacob Kovalio 
A Giant in Transition: Indonesia in Southeast Asia 
Wilfried A. Hermann 
India: A Country Looking for a New Foreign and Security Policy Image 
Hanns-Frank Seller 
Civil-Military Relationship in the People's Republic of China 
Peter Kein-Hong Yu 
The Philippines: Security Concerns in a Changing Regional Environment 
Herman Joseph S. Kraft 
Mongolia: A Country Profile 
Teh-Kuang Chang 
Self-Help Organizations of People with Disability in Urban China 
Joseph Kwok, Raymond Chan, W.T. Chan 
Local Government's Role in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Guangdong 
Joseph Y.S. Cheng 
China's New Impetus for Reforming State-Owned Enterprises 
John Wong 
Urban Housing Reform in China 
Zang Xiaowei 
The Challenge of Health Care in Institutions for the Elderly in Urban China 
Alex Yui-huen Kwan and Sophia Siu-chee Chan 

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