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Fw: U.S. Military Web Censorship? by Michael Pugliese 15 January 2001 18:12 UTC |
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-----Original Message----- From: kevcross@webtv.net <kevcross@webtv.net> To: kevcross@webtv.net <kevcross@webtv.net> Cc: egarris@antiwar.com <egarris@antiwar.com>; garetgarrett2@yahoo.com <garetgarrett2@yahoo.com>; du-list@egroups.com <du-list@egroups.com>; du.watch@listbot.com <du.watch@listbot.com>; idust@swcp.com <idust@swcp.com>; iac-discussion@egroups.com <iac-discussion@egroups.com>; eternera@listbot.com <eternera@listbot.com>; epicenter@igc.org <epicenter@igc.org>; houstonpeaceroundtable@egroups.com <houstonpeaceroundtable@egroups.com>; closethesoa@egroups.com <closethesoa@egroups.com>; mainlinenews@egroups.com <mainlinenews@egroups.com>; nonukes@foesyd.org.au <nonukes@foesyd.org.au>; dkimball@clw.org <dkimball@clw.org>; consortnews@aol.com <consortnews@aol.com>; cj@cyberjournal.org <cj@cyberjournal.org>; pfp@teleport.com <pfp@teleport.com>; rich@pencil.math.missouri.edu <rich@pencil.math.missouri.edu>; martin.auer@a1plus.at <martin.auer@a1plus.at>; crash_copold@my-deja.com <crash_copold@my-deja.com>; 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disarmnow@erols.com <disarmnow@erols.com>; writeforgod@hotmail.com <writeforgod@hotmail.com>; Mobuszewski@afsc.org <Mobuszewski@afsc.org>; kevcross2@webtv.net <kevcross2@webtv.net>; kevcross2@yahoo.com <kevcross2@yahoo.com>; thruthewormhole@webtv.net <thruthewormhole@webtv.net>; become_jesus@webtv.net <become_jesus@webtv.net>; jesuscomesquickly@hotmail.com <jesuscomesquickly@hotmail.com>; smirnowb@ix.netcom.com <smirnowb@ix.netcom.com>; globalnet@mindspring.com <globalnet@mindspring.com>; kgrossman@hamptons.com <kgrossman@hamptons.com>; bsulzman@juno.com <bsulzman@juno.com>; lwirbel@aol.com <lwirbel@aol.com> Date: Monday, January 15, 2001 4:40 AM Subject: U.S. Military Web Censorship? DEPLETED URANIUM ALERT ================================== From: asterion@ntlworld.com (Francisco Javier Bernal) Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2001, 10:48am (EST+5) To: kevcross@webtv.net, rrozoff@webtv.net Subject: (Fwd) <nettime> US web censorship? DU-alert ================================== ------- Forwarded message follows ------- Date sent: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:57:53 +1100 To: nettime-l@bbs.thing.net From: Hans-Peter Schnelboegl <future@nor.com.au> (by way of s|a|m <sam@media.com.au>) Subject: <nettime> US web censorship? DU-alert Send reply to: Hans-Peter Schnelboegl <future@nor.com.au> (by way of s|a|m <sam@media.com.au>) Web censorship by US military? Two US- based email lists on depleted uranium have stopped operating. The lists du-list@egroups.com and du.watch@listbot.com stopped completely. In the last few weeks there was a lot of interest in the use of Depleted Uranium ammunition in Bosnia (1995) and Kosovo (1999). Many European peace keepers have contracted leukemia, and at least 15 have already died from the disease. This shouldn't be a surprise for those who kept informed about the many leukemia cases after the Gulf War, both under exposed soldiers and civilians (including many Iraqui children). The US military, which used the DU ammunition, always denied any significant hazards. In the last few days documents have been circulated on various email lists showing the American government's knowledge of the DU-hazards. Following the shut-down of the email lists, it becomes important to spread the information via other internet channels. I am going to forward some of the recent emails to our lists (active and ausinuke). The longer emails will be available only on ausinuke due to size limits on active. To start it up, here is some background information on DU: DU(1) - Depleted Uranium, Background information SUMMARY: DU is a waste product of nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons production. It consisits to some 99.8% of uranium-238, which has a half-life of 4.5 billion (4500 million) years. Uranium-238 is highly dangerous both becauseof its radiological and chemical toxicity. It's radiation is not any different from that of the uranium-238 in uranium ore - just some 100 to 2000 times more concentrated. However, DU is millions of times more dangerous than it was in the original uranium ore because of its modified consistency (gas or combustible metal or dispersible fine powder). All these forms have the ability to enter the human body via inhalation or food chain, which is a precondition for the uranium's most dangerous alpha radiation to become effective as well as for the chemical toxicity. In contrast, the uranium in the uranium ore has very little chance to get inside the human body. The nuclear industry-government has by now accumulated vast quantities (close to a million tonnes) of DU, for which safe storage is impossible. To limit the ever-increasing and costly DU stockpile, considerable efforts have been made to find applications for DU. Military and civilian use of DU have further increased the hazards. The most dangerous application of DU is its use for ammunition cores: On impact, the DU combusts and disperses, largely as a very fine aerosol, causing cancer and a great variety of other diseases. The Gulf War Syndrome and Balkans War Syndrome are suspected to be caused by DU ammunition. In both wars, the US used DU ammunition extensively. The harmful effect of DU ammunition will continue for billions of years after the war as the dispersed fine powder has little tendency to transform back into something as stable as uranium ore. DU war is war against all future, and in that respect worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the last few weeks the use of DU ammunition by the US has received great publicity as more and more of the former European peacekeepers in the Balkans come down with leukemia. A number of European countries have launched their own investigation into DU ammunition hazards, among others Portugal, Italy, Sweden, France,Germany, Finland, Turkey and Bulgaria. Some of these investigations may be rather a means to appease the public outrage than an attempt to investigate the issue, others may be genuine. The Portugese government refused to hand over the body of a soldier, which had died from leukemia, to his parents for radiation testing. Obviously, this is suspicious and any subsequent investigation, especially during an election camoaign, is under doubt. The US, supported by Great Britain, have vigorously denied any significant hazards from DU. The US Defense Department quotet in a report last month "No human cancer of any type has ever been seen as a result of exposure to natural or depleted uranium." Such absurd statements fired back. In the last few days the situation further escalated when US documents were uncovered (and released on various anti-nuclear email lists) which prooved that the US government was aware of the very significant risks from DU ammunnition. Also, it has become clear that the peace keeping in Kosovo was arranged in such a way that US troops were kept out of contaminated areas while European troops were sent in - without adequate information. The Australian government has been using DU ammunition for a while but laudibly phased it out some 15 years ago because of the associated dangers. This would have hardly happened under John Howard who does not mind the massive futurecide involved with uranium mining (uranium tailings pose hazards very similar to DU).... SOME DETAILS ON DU 1) DU, a waste product of nuclear power and nuclear weapons production The yellowcake or uranium oxide - as produced in Australia - consists of a mix of three different uranium isotopes which are in fixed proportions to each other. These proportions are the same for all uranium deposits on this planet and are unsuitable both for the production of the uranium-based nuclear bomb and as fuel for nuclear reactors (which are required to produce the plutonium for the plutonium-based bomb). To make the yellowcake suitable for these purposes, the proportion of uranium-235 needs to be increased while the proportion of uranium-238 and to a lesser extent that of uranium-234 have to be decreased. This is achieved during the 'enrichment' of uranium. With the yellowcake consisting to some 99.3% of uranium-238, this means that most of the yellowcake becomes waste, the so-called Depleted Uranium (DU). Some figures on DU: By mass, the uranium content of typical DU (as used for ammunition) consists to some 99.8% of Uranium-238 (HL [halflife] = 4500 million years) some 0.2% of U-235 (HL = 700 million years) some 0.0009% of U-234 (HL = 245 000 years) However, the activity of DU comes to some 85% from U-238 some 14% from U-234 some 1% from U-235. 2) DU can't be stored safely As is clear from the above figures, the mass composition and the activity composition of DU are dominated by the isotope uranium-238. Uranium-238 has a half life of 4500 million years and is very dangerous, both radiologically and chemically. It is obvious that nothing can be stored safely for 4500 million years. DU appears in three principle forms: - as the gaseous uranium hexafluoride which is leaking from countless tanks around enrichment facilities - as combustable DU metal after conversion from the gas - as uranium oxide powder, ready to be dispersed into water, air and food chain. It is obvious that all three forms are unstable and therefore can't be stored safely. So far, close to a million tonnes of DU have been accumulated worldwide. It can become subject to severest accidents, military attacks, bushfires, earthquake ... It is obvious that such a quantity of a highly toxic and radioactive substance can't be stored safely. Considering the extremely long half-life, the unstable consistency, the very large quantities and the very high radiological and chemical toxicity, the accumulation of DU can only be seen as futurecide - the mass murder on countless people from future generations. 3) DU usage To limit the ever-increasing and costly DU stockpile, considerable efforts have been made to find applications for DU, the main ones being: - Counterweights in aeroplanes - Ballast in yachts - Ammunition cores All of these usages have vastly increased the DU hazards. Planes and ships can crash, as did a passenger plane with DU in an Amsterdam suburb. Ammunition is deliberately designed and used to kill and maim (see next paragraph). The eventual disposal of the DU wastes after civilian / military usage becomes even more hazardous where not impossible. ----- to be continued as DU(2) later this week ----- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets more # info: majordomo@bbs.thing.net and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net ------- End of forwarded message ------- =============== + ================ Support Antiwar.com http://Antiwar.com; and 'Spirit FM' Catholic Christian radio (90.5-FM, Tampa, Fla. USA) http://www.spiritfm905.com; and Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space http://www.space4peace.org Thanks from Kevin; age 46; online Christian peace activist and stay-home father-of-4, in Florida (Tampa Bay area). + Blessed are the nonviolent peacemakers. Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Help me speak truth to power. Please pray for one another. Be merciful. Love your enemies. Be grateful + Soften your heart. Forgive those who've hurt you. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. Come quickly, Jesus Christ, son of God and Prince of Peace. Deo Gratias. +
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