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ISA - XVth World Congress of Sociology

by chris chase-dunn

12 December 2000 05:45 UTC

Title: ISA - XVth World Congress of Sociology

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International Sociological Associaiton
XVth ISA World Congress of Sociology

The Social World in the Twenty First Century:
Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges

Ad Hoc Sessions

The Ad Hoc Sessions need a stamp of acceptance of the Program Committee and the Executive Committee and therefore the proposals should be sent directly before March 1, 2001 to the ISA Secretariat at Madrid. Application for Ad Hoc Sessions should include:

Title of Ad Hoc Session(s)
Name(s) and full mailing address, fax, phone, e-mail, of the Organizer(s)
Short description of the session contents
List of potential contributors.

Please note, that in order to qualify for a place in the Congress program, the potential sessions must involve

(a) a substantial number of sociologists
(b) from several countries
(c) who have already engaged in some collaboration, and
(d) whose special interest does not properly fit within the field of an established ISA Research Committee, Working Group or Thematic Group.

Maximum of 2 sessions (1:45 minutes each) may be requested to be held at 20:00-21:45. There is a limited number of slots for Ad Hoc Sessions in the congress program, and therefore applications will be evaluated by the ISA Program Committee on their strength on the competitive basis.

November 20, 2000
International Sociological Association

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