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A Lesson To Learn about Petition for Women in Afghanistan


29 October 1999 16:04 UTC

By way off hindsight lessons to learn, I think we should all take note that
when petitions or appeals for money are circulated on the Internet the first
thing that should be done by the person championing such efforts is to
VALIDATE the source and the process by which it will be accomplished.

If this is done properly, it will prevent people who take the time and
effort from feeling "burned" and thus become less likely to help when future
campaigns are undertaken.

Also, we should be aware that as far as I know there is no such thing as a
legal electronic petition.  Such appeals are strictly advisory and are
rarely given much credence by agencies.  I say this with great sadness, as
it reflects a huge unrealized resource for activists.  Note also that the
current cost to collect legal petition signatures from registered state
voters in the U.S. is about $1.50 per each.  And about 20% of collected
signatures are later disallowed by the registrar's office due to voter
record discrepancies.

Further, I know of no responsible relief agency that collects money via
Internet; due to legal issues (i.e., wire fraud).  Also, if one gives money
to an agency that does not provide a publicly accessible INDEPENDENTLY
AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT, one is taking a large chance of being swindled or
having most of the money spent on overhead rather than going to direct aid.
The newspapers are full of reports about just such events.

We all want to do the right thing and help where we can but I regret to say
that the Internet as a tool for achieving this continues to fall short of
being an effective means for practical action; even though it remains a good
"talking shop" venue which is a necessary precursor for right action.

Your thoughts on this issue are greatly appreciated.

Randall Burton
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: Women in Afghanistan [not a hoax]

>Related to petition that I forwarded to WSN, which is no hoax, the web
>sites to visit are:
>The Equality Project: http://www.lesbigay.com/equal_rights/pet4.htm (for
>the online petition)
>The Feminist Majority Foundation Online:
>http://www.feminist.org/afghan/petition.html (for a print-out copy of the
>I think these are preferable to the email petition since apparently the
>email address has been disconnected because the UN doesn't like too many
>Elson E. Boles
>Assistant Professor, (Historical) Sociology
>University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
>(405) 574-1243
>On Tuesday, October 26, 1999 8:55 PM, Gabrielle Kuiper
>[SMTP:Gabrielle.Kuiper@uts.edu.au] wrote:
>> RE: Women in Afghanistan
>> Oh no, not again!
>> Please DON'T forward this petition!!!
>> Let me explain,
>> 1) these type of email petitions end up being a kind of email virus which
>> wastes peoples time and is not effective.
>> 2) I only forward these type of emails in exceptional circumstances and
>> when they include a date, a website (where you can check the details and
>> legitimacy of the campaign) and the name of an official organisation (as
>> the case of the UN 50th anniversary of Human Rights web-based petition).
>> 3) I have had this particular petition in several different forms about a
>> dozen times over the last 6 months, it is a hoax (although there are real
>> and serious issues about women's rights in Afghanistan) and the original
>> email address at the bottom of the message has been disconnected because
>> was flooded (this happened months ago). It is now likely to have flooded
>> the UN's server - not very productive!
>> 4) if you a curious as to the legitimacy of this type of email, just
>> forward it - or search the web - there are several pages detailing these
>> type of hoaxes and misguided emails.
>> 5) to really make a difference and find out about the issues, join
>> International or a similar organisation and get involved in person rather
>> than online.
>> yours in productive and effective social change,
>> Gabrielle

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