To: Members of the International Sociological Association Call for Papers The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Vol. 2 No. 1, March 2000 The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (JDFR) is a foreign affairs periodical published bi-annually by the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Malaysia. Founded in 1999, the Journal brings together noted scholars and policy makers to address current themes in international studies, foreign relations, diplomacy, strategic and security affairs and development studies. The primary objective of JDFR is to enhance international understanding of international studies, foreign relations, development and security studies, foreign policy and diplomacy as an art and science within the context of Malaysia both in particular and generally. The March 2000 (Vol. 2 No. 1) issue will be dedicated to the theme Governance and Political Stability in Asia in the Context of Economic Recovery: The Millennium and Beyond. Issues of identity, governance, resource allocation, state sovereignty and power struggles are issues that have come to the fore recently in many ASEAN countries as well as in the rest of Asia. Since the economic downturn about two years ago, disruptions in the organized running of government in some of these countries have resulted in political tensions. While some countries have managed to avoid total chaos, others have had to face political changes and government reshuffles. What this conjures up are policy issues concerning recovery, and how to govern a nation which has just gone through adverse political and economic conditions. Deadline for submission of all articles: December 15, 1999 Please send all proposals and correspondence to: Dr. Sharifah Munirah Alatas, Director, Research and Publications Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Jalan Elmu, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: (603) 757-6221 ext. 238 Fax: (603) 755-3201 Email: or