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by colin s. cavell

15 April 1999 00:24 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 00:09:47 -0400
From: Minja Veljanovic <minja@compuserve.com>
Reply-To: srpska_kultura@4Cbiz.net
To: SRPSKA KULTURA <srpska_kultura@4Cbiz.net>
Subject: Re: Message from  Geneva

____ CP||CKA KY/\TYPA ____ No. 699  Poruka od:  Minja Veljanovic <minja@compuserve.com>

A passionate message from an American friend... who is on the
srpska_kultura list.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:	Stephanie Niketic, INTERNET:sutra@ultranet.com

DATE:	8.04.99 00,39

RE:	Re: Message from  Geneva

Dear Minja,

One of the things I do is help moderate a pure news list on
Kosovo/Yugoslavia, a very good resource for people who want to see a wide
variety of news/opinion sources and don't mind volumes of email (you have
the option of reading it on the web, too).  To subscribe:

The following is the latest speech I gave at a demonstration.

Ziveli Serbians!, once again our last line of defense against a New World


The U.S. government continues a massive propaganda campaign aimed at good
and disbelieving Americans to justify its war against our long-time ally,

I am one of those Americans.  And I still have questions.

Mr. Clinton, you keep wagging your finger at Yugoslavia to obey
international law.  Isn't everything you are doing in violation of those

Now that your recklessness has resulted in the capture of three American
soldiers, you drag out the Geneva Convention.  Well, Mr. Clinton, you have
been violating the Geneva Convention every day for 11 days.  From the first
day of bombings, you have been targeting civilian areas.  Last night in
Belgrade you targeted an area with a maternity hospital.  Among your victims
in the city of Nis are Bosnian Serb women and children.  They were killed in
an international refugee center only 300 feet from your intended target.

You are using cluster bombs.  Mr. Clinton, have you ever read the Geneva
Convention?  Those are illegal weapons.  

You are targeting and destroying Europe's historical monuments.  The
medieval monasteries and churches you are bombing in Kosovo are UNESCO
protected, Mr. Clinton. The part of Belgrade you are bombing now is not only
one of its most densely populated, it is its oldest.  You are aiming at old
architecture, libraries, and museums.  

You have bombed schools, hospitals, civilian factories.  You intentionally
destroyed a bridge rebuilt after World War II to commemorate Jews and Serbs
murdered at that same spot by fascist invaders.  Is this your bridge to the
21st century?

Mr. Clinton, do you really expect us to believe that your bombing of Kosovo
is not the cause of the humanitarian catastrophe there?  On the very first
day you bombed a town [Djakovica] which was 98% Albanian and flooded with
60,000 refugees.  Writing about the lies of this war, the Sunday Times of
London reported:

"[Mirvei], a tall Albanian woman clutching her four-month-old baby, looked
bewildered when asked if Serbian troops had driven her out.  'There were no
Serbs,' she said.  'We were frightened of the bombs.'"

So, Mr. Clinton, what else are you lying about?

The State Department said that Albanian leaders were being executed.  Then
Mr. Rugova and Mr. Agani turned up alive.  It was a lie.

The State Department told us a stadium in Pristina was being used as a
concentration camp for ethnic Albanians.  A western reporter went there and
found....it was a lie.

The State Department now is screaming "show us the missing Albanian men!"
Well, if you read news agencies like the Associated Press, Mr. Clinton,
you'd know they're being forcibly conscripted by the KLA at borders as they
try to flee your bombs.

Mr. Clinton, you probably need to explain to Americans the source of all the
horrible information you are passing out:  a KLA commando known as "The
Snake" [Hashim Thaci].  And despite all the proof that he is unreliable, you
continue to broadcast his propaganda to us.  

I'm wondering, Mr. Clinton, how long have you been lying to us?

Let's take the tale of Racak, for example.  You started this war by
repeating over and over horrendous claims about this incident made only by a
single "unnamed source" in the Washington Post and specifically,
categorically, denied by Helen Ranta, the head of the Finnish forensic team.
The U.S. has suppressed the results of the Finnish report for weeks.  Why
was it not published immediately, and why has it still not been published in
its entirety?  I think it must incriminate the KLA.  It must incriminate Mr.
Clinton's Ambassador William Walker, a veteran of Iran-Contra and Central
American massacres.

Mr. Clinton, you like to talk about genocide and massacres.  Then why don't
you tell us about the remains of 22 Serbian civilians found in a KLA
crematorium at Klecka last August.  Or the 39 civilian bodies dredged from a
river at Glodjane last September, Serbs and Albanians all murdered by the KLA.

Mr. Clinton, why don't you tell us more about the KLA?

The KLA is not fighting for human rights and democracy, is it?  They silence
dissent by assassinating Kosovo Albanian citizens who disagree with them.
Just since the so-called cease-fire last October, they have murdered 82
Albanians.  Last month alone they killed 15 times more of their own people
than they did Serbian policemen.

One must ask, Mr. Clinton, why does the KLA find it necessary to murder so
many of the very people it claims to be liberating?
In fact, the KLA is not a liberation army, it is a violent international
heroin cartel.  Mr. Clinton, why don't you explain that to us?  

The very day you started dropping bombs on the Serbs, The Times of London

"THE Kosovo Liberation Army, which has won the support of the West for
its guerrilla struggle... is a Marxist-led force funded by dubious sources,
including drug money. "

But you already knew this.  In 1985 the Wall Street Journal estimated
that Kosovo Albanians moved 25 percent to 45 percent of the total U.S. heroin
supply.  In 1996 your own U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reported:

"...ethnic Albanians from Serbia's Kosovo Province were considered to
be second only to Turkish groups as the predominant heroin smugglers along the
Balkan Route ... Kosovan traffickers were noted for their use of violence
and for
their involvement in international weapons trafficking."

Those words are on record at the U.S. Department of Justice, Mr. Clinton.
Can you explain to us why you are risking American lives for the drug mafia?
Mr. Clinton, you seem frustrated that Americans just don't understand enough
history and geography to understand what you are doing.

Well, I know the history of the term "ethnic cleansing."  I quote from the
New York Times, July 12, 1982:

     "The [Albanian] nationalists have a two-point platform...
     first to establish what they call an
     ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the merger
     with Albania to form a greater Albania. "

These words were spoken by [Becir Hoti] an Albanian member of the Communist
Party of Kosovo.  At the time this was reported, at least 57,000 Serbs had
already been forced out of Kosovo.  "Ethnically clean."  1982.  Why weren't
we told then, Mr. Clinton?

If you want Americans to understand history, Mr. Clinton, why don't you tell
us the part about how Yugoslavia lost 10% of her population fighting the
Nazis?  1.7 million lives lost, 1.4 million of them civilian.  They died to
save a world you have made miserable only 50 years later.

Tell us about how the Serbs saved 981 U.S. airmen shot down over occupied
Yugoslavia. Read to us the letter from a veteran of the largest
behind-the-lines rescue in our history.  Retired Air Force Major Richard
Felman pleaded with you:

"Where is America's sense of honor, decency and gratitude to those on
foreign soil who saved American lives?  Do we return their sacrifice and
kindness by killing them? It appears to our shame that the answer is 'yes.'"

What have we come to?  Mr. Clinton, our children should be learning history
and geography in decent schools, not from your war room.

Finally, I want you to tell the truth about who created this crisis.  Mr.
Clinton, you have explained that Kosovo is strategic because "it sits on a
major fault line between Europe, Asia and the Middle East."  In fact, isn't
it so strategic that the U.S. government has been working to occupy the
Balkans for over a decade?  Do you not think it would interest the American
people that U.S. legislation began the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1990?
Legislation the CIA warned you would cause civil wars?  Please tell us
again, Mr. Clinton:  Who has been pouring gasoline on the flames of ethnic

There are many countries with venal, perverse, third-rate leaders, but Mr.
Clinton, you are the only one among them who is actually threatening the

The real moral imperative is for Americans to understand that it is not
Serbia which is destabilizing the Balkans, it is the U.S. government.

The real moral imperative is for Americans to understand the cost in lives,
our own and those of all the people victimized by Yugoslavia's destruction,
seven years of deadly sanctions, and now American bombs.

My forefathers helped found this country and are veterans of every American
war.  I stand up for them and I stand up for the people of Yugoslavia.  What
we are doing breaks my heart.

This war is about America and Americans must stop it.

Save our allies the Serbs!  Save Yugoslavia!  Save America!

April 3, 1999

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