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by Konstantin Borodinsky

05 April 1999 14:49 UTC

>I read some of I. Wallerstein's work and I can agree with many points
>raised.  I also do not pretend to know all there is to know about the
>situation.  What I do know is that the point he raises, "The Yugoslav
>government did nothing outside its own borders." , may need
>If I hear or see my neighbor beating the hell out of his wife,
>throwing stones at her, threatening her with a pistol etc.  I can not,
>in all human consciousness, sit and do nothing, or say, "well he is
>doing it on his property so I will not interfere.  We are talking
>about real human lives and the problem with the big governments is
>that their intelligence services tell them a lot more than they care
>to tell the public or international media.  If the Government of any
>nation starts exterminating a group of humans whether inside or
>outside its borders, not to intervene because that is something going
>on "within the borders" is simply inhumane, and makes our
>international declaration of human rights documents absolutely
>The problem to me is that the international community still does not
>have its act together on how to respond to these situations and the
>reason it doesn't is because it is still playing around with
>nationalistic tendencies. (Nation Games)  If the leaders of nations do
>not get themselves together and form a world federation of states to
>address the issues of humanity and our planet, we will keep seeing
>this kind of ignorant behaviour.
>We still do not have an officially sanctioned world police force to
>protect human rights.  Until we do, you can sit back and watch the
>fireworks until you are blue in the face.  No paper written by any
>acedemic world system theorists will change this reality.

Dear Rick,
I fully agree with you that when your neibour beats hell out of his wife, it
is right to take an axe and chop him to pieces. And to perform a ritual
dance on his cadaver. All will be delighted - his wife, his children,
neibours and, of course the hero of the day himself. But will he hero be
prepared to keep the family of the  downtrodden villain? Will he?
Next. You write of a new world approach and the rule of civilized
governments. This reminds me of Ch. P. Snows's ideas of the world government
of of scientists. Well.. what is wrong with the UN? Yes, this organization
proved impotent on many occasions, but to my mind their activities are more
efficient then Stealth arguments.
And further. This is a very grim reality, but people come back to senses
only after they soak in blood. This was the case in past and I see no
indications this will change tomorrow.Some might think differently, and I
would be happy to learn their opinion.
And sorry for this long message.
Konstantin Borodinsky,
Minsk, Belarus


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