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December archives of the Marxism mailing list

by Louis Proyect

26 February 1999 15:48 UTC

I just added December discussions to the archives of the Marxism mailing list:


I also made some cosmetic changes that will be much easier on the eyes.
December's postings include:


--Australian politics, culture and economics

--Political economy of the automobile

--What do the Colombian guerrillas stand for?

--Juan Fajardo's recipe for fried guinea pig

--The election of Hugo Chavez

--Le Pen's new "image"

--Organizing Big Mac in Vancouver

--George Orwell: fallen idol

--The Shining Path and indigenism

--Pinochet's arrest

--Sam Pawlett takes the measure of the former Soviet Union

--Reflections on the International Socialist Organization

--Political aftermath of World War Two

Louis Proyect

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