Correction of Wal-Mart e-mail address

Fri, 20 Nov 1998 09:39:49 -0500
Dale W Wimberley (

I goofed with the e-mail address I sent you to ask Wal-Mart to release a
list of all its factories worldwide (my e-mail of Wednesday, Nov. 18), part
of the Holiday Season of Conscience campaign. This e-mail will work (I
tested it this time!):

The 800-WAL-MART number works fine, tho.


Many little people in many little places making many little steps will
change the world. - Brigitte Hauschild, Nicaragua

(If you can translate this sentence into languages other than Spanish,
German, French, or Russion, please contact Brigitte at

Dale W. Wimberley
Department of Sociology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University