living peoples

Mon, 07 Sep 1998 17:49:01 +0300
Ahmet Cakmak (

Dear friends,
up to now I have tried to sum up the distinguishing feature of my new
left project : A technological leap forward in third world countries
under the governance of leftist parties together with democratisation. I
have tried to show you that these countries ( of course here I refer to
so-called NIC's or developing countries) has the potential to success
this.Now, before passing to other features of my project,I try to answer
to possible question ( objection ): is this goal itself leftist, and is
it possible for a leftist party to achieve this ?
This is a leftist project. 1) it will provide the employment and
substantially higher wage and salary opportunities for the masses of
NIC's.2) it will provide revenue sources for leftist parties to give the
people health and education services,ext. 3) it will make the NIC states
much stronger to cooperate worldwidely to struggle with core countries (
it is better to cooperate worldwidely instead of regionally. Regional
cooperations are potentially dangerous and weaker. They are potentially
dangerous: I would like to learn What Amin think about a possible
indian-pakistani nuclear war or more Saddam's. As you know,he accomodate
the efforts of the countries other than core ones to fight to have
nuclear weapons. And they are weaker: a worldwide cooperation,of
course,will be stronger than regionally ones. And I don't believe that
there are enough differantiation between NIC's to prevent worldwide
cooperation. Their reasons for such a cooperation is more stronger than
the reasons to prevent this).4) it will provide stronger mass support
for leftist parties.This will opan the way for new horizons which are
utopias of left now. 5) it will narrow tha gap between polars
substantially. 6) it will create the objective conditions for the left
of core countries to begin for a more radical fight with their
establishment.7) it will lead to leftist parties of NIC's to control the
technological applications in their countries at least partly.In such a
world it will not easy to pollute the blacksea via Tuna river, to damage
rain forests to produce paper ext.,ext..8) This technological leap
forward can help to efforts for rescue the planet,they will do this
automatically.As you know, new technologies ,in general, friend of
environment.9) in such a world core countries cannot use the others as
their waste box, as a market for their overproduction ext.
now,the second question.That is, is this possible for a leftist party ?
My historical examples are Meiji, Bismarck and Park Hee ( Previous
dictator of South Korea Regime). Of Course they were not 'leftist' . In
fact this point is open to debate for me. Is it easy to reject that they
were progressive for their times ? . But,put this point aside..In our
context,they are examples that shows us ' burocracy' can force the
dominant class ' to stay dominant or ,I thint it is better to say to
stay 'rich' by changing their production relations. So why not for a new
left to force ( ' not force,compremise'. Okey,no problem) the dominant
class to profit only to produce for world markets with advanced
My next paper's subject will be the political base such a strategy.

Ahmet Çakmak