Lloyd-Jones comments

Sat, 8 Nov 1997 19:49:54 -0500
Carolyn Ballard (cballard@cetlink.net)

Richard K. Moore tries in the moronic and semi-literate style we have
already seen in his book outline::

Does poor Moore not know the meaning of condemnation by faint praise?


I regret that it took such a disturbing comment to prod me from my de-lurking mode, but I could not remain silent and let this pass. I have enjoyed the intelligent debates and contributions to this list and have come to expect a certain level of civility and respect among the various "verbal combatants" and contributors. Until Mr. Lloyd-Jones' above comments, I have not been disappointed. I find them snivelling, distasteful and lacking any merit. On the other hand, I have found Mr. Moore's contributions to the list valuable for their insight, well-reasoned, and quite literate. In these sometimes dry and pedantic discussions, Moore's comments have sparked some of the most lively and thought-provoking debates I've seen on the list.

For those academics among us, it is good to look outside the ivory tower every once in a while. The rarified air up there has been known to cloud the vision of even the most erudite and sensitive individual. Perhaps such is the case with Mr. Lloyd-Jones??

Carolyn Ballard
Carolyn Ballard, freelance writer
Email: cballard@cetlink.net
"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly
well that you probably can't...The world changes according
to the way people see it, and if you can alter, even by a
millimeter, the way...people look at reality, then you can
change it." - James Baldwin -