Re: World Party

Wed, 1 Oct 1997 22:51:19 -0400 (EDT)
Andrew Wayne Austin (

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Ronald J. Deibert wrote:

> Yes, I can see it now. A ragtag group of academics, who cannot even agree
> on how to address each other, form an absentminded plot to divide and
> conquer the G7. Of course, explaining (let alone coordinating) the plan to
> the vast majority of people on the planet might be difficult -- it might
> take time. We will need translators, some khaki outfits (though certainly
> not from "The Gap"), and a leader to stand out front. Someone with charisma
> and the ability to construct lengthy polemical speeches night after night.
> I nominate Andrew Wayne Austin! Heck, if it doesn't succeed, we could
> always pitch it to Woody Allen as a sequel to Bananas!!

Nope, sorry, can't do it; I got comps coming up in the Spring.
