Gilda Esposito from Italy

Tue, 29 Jul 1997 18:57:37 +0200
gilda esposito (

Dear friends,
I wonder if you remember me. I wrote a message in April as I was working on
my dissertation on World-System Analysis and the on-going debate around it
and asked for advices. I had so much help from so many of you and used every
single paper you sent me and cited them in my aknowledgemt so gratefully. As
scholars who replied me might have noticed I could only answer in the first
month as after that my computer went out of work and I unfortunately lost
all the e-mail of the people who contacted me. Now that everything is over
and I'm finally on vacation I'm so proud to communicate to you that I
discussed my dissertation at the University of Milano at the beginning of
July and had the final evaluation of 110/110 cum laude(which is the maximun
possible in our system of education. I couldn't have gone so far without the
advices and suggestion I had from your network. I want to say thanks
sincerely to all of you. At the same time I want to get the chance to ask to
the scholars who wrote me to contact me again in order to have their e-mail
and the message I couldn't read while my computer was broken. Finally I'm
going to ask you once again more help. As I'm so interested in the subject
and I'm seriously thinking about keeping on studying and researching I
wonder if any of you can suggest me which is the best post-graduate course I
can undertake in order to specialize in the field of world-system analysis
and in particular about the world-system analysis explanation of rising
Asia. At the moment I'm starting to prepare a project of research about the
peculiar way of development of South East Asia in the frame of the East
Asian region. Of course I'm only at the very beginning and have a very
partial knowledge of the theme but I hope you can suggest me some good
publications or, even better, send me via e-mail some articles or ideas. As
you might know in my country there's very few interest about the new
approach and perspective and, togheter with my distinguished Professor at
the Faculty, I would like to be part of the action of spreading out it. For
what concerns my limited possibilities, of course. What I'm first asking you
then is some good advices about post graduate courses, and relative grants
and scholarship (as unluckly I cannot afford studying without working)
preferably in Europe, but also in the US. I fluently speak english, french
and spanish and have no problem in moving far from my country. I will
appreciate your answer so much,
Yours sincerely
Gilda Esposito

surface adress:
Gilda Esposito
Scalinata Santa Lucia 1
19121 Italia