Re: Remove: Is it the trendy thing to do?

Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:58:09 -0700 (MST)
Jake Elkins (elkins@U.Arizona.EDU)

On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 asajh@UAA.ALASKA.EDU wrote:
> I have been reading for days peoples one-liner messages of "remove" &
> "please remove." So what the hell is the deal? Are people upset with the
> content of this group? If so, why not contribute something useful or
> entertaining?
> Andrew

Perhaps the listowner could repost instructions on how to
unsubscribe. I get so annoyed with this rudeness that I respond
to each and every one of them with a "Sorry, I can't remove you
from anything." message. But even that is getting to be a chore.

--------Jake Elkins University of Arizona------------
1309 E. Lee St. Planning graduate student
--------Tucson, AZ 85719 e-mail:
Put your ear down next to your soul and listen hard." Anne Sexton