Roundtables List

Wed, 26 Mar 1997 09:00:55 -0500 (EST)

TO: WSNers
FROM: Thomas D. Hall & Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz
RE: PEWS Round Tables
DATE: March 26, 1997

Here are the Round Tables as submitted to ASA. It should be an
exciting hour with lots happening.
tom & patricio

ASA 1997 Meeting

Political Economy of World-System

Organizers: Tom Hall (DePauw University) and Roberto Patricio
Korzeniewicz (University of Maryland at College Park).

Roundtable 1: Anti-Systemic Movements and Global Democracy.

Charles McKelvey (Presbyterian College), "The Crisis of the
Modern World Economy and a Discourse of Radical Democracy."

Christopher Chase-Dunn (Johns Hopkins University), "Guatemala and
Global Democracy."

Warren Wagar (Binghamton University), "Global Democracy."

Roundtable 2: Incorporation: Rethinking the Concept & Process.

Wilma A. Dunaway (Colorado State University), "Capitalist
Incorporation, Ecological Degradation, and the Transformation of
Women's Work: Eastern Cherokees, 1790-1830"

Thomas D. Hall (DePauw University), "Rethinking Incorporation,
Ancient and Modern."

Leslie S. Laczko (University of Ottawa), "Canada's linguistic and
ethnic dynamics in an evolving world system."

Ravi Palat (University of Auckland-New Zealand), "Rethinking
Incorporation: Agency and Process"?

Roundtable 3: Post-Fordist Consumption in the World-Economy.

Victoria Carty (University of New Mexico), "Production,
Consumption and Gender: A Case Study of Nike Corporation."

Melanie Dupuis (New York State Department of Economic
Development), "Post-Fordist Food: Mis-placed Origins and
Magnified Identity."

Walter Goldfrank (University of California at Santa Cruz),
"Healthy Eating."

Miguel Korzeniewicz (University of New Mexico), "The Unfolding of
a Global Consumer Culture."

Roundtable 4: Paths of Transition?

Alex Chan (University of Wisconsin-Madison), "China's transition
from planned economy to market economy."

Erin Leahey (University of Massachusetts), "Development
Dependence, and Inequality: South Korea and Taiwan as Deviant

Thomas D. Robinson (Emory University), "A Theoretical
Reinterpretation of the Current Controversy Surrounding World-
System Theory."

Alvin Y. So (University of Hawaii-Manoa) and On-Kwok Lai (The
University of Waikato), "Americanization, Asianization, and the
Transformation of Hong Kong and the Newly Industrializing
Economies (NIEs)."

Rountable 5: Legacies.

Thomas J. Burns (University of Utah), Edward L. Kick (University
of Utah) and Byron Davis (University of Utah), "Development and
the Colonial Legacy in Former British and French Colonies: The
Contributions of Militarization and Education."

Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz (University of Maryland-College
Park) and Timothy P. Moran (University of Maryland-College Park),
"Past and Future Trends in World Income Inequalities."

Kristin Marsh (Emory University) and Dwight Raby (Emory
University), "European Revolutions Since 1500: A Classification
and Descriptive Analysis of Intra-State Rebellion in the World-

Jason D. Smith, "500 years of Western Philosophy: A Sketch of a

Roundtable 6: Commodity Chains.

John M. Talbot (University of California at Berkeley), "Sectors
and States: Do Leading Export Sectors Shape the Developmental
Prospects of Nation-States?"

Rueyling Tzeng (Institute of European and American Studies,
Academia Sinica), "Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia:
Implications of Regional Economic Integration in the Western

Roundtable 7: Latin America in the World-Economy

Leah Carroll (St. Lawrence University), "The Demise of Rural
Clientelism: The Silver Lining of Trade Liberalization for
Agrarian Labor Movements? A Colombian Case Study."

Trudie O. Coker (Florida Atlantic University), "Global Processes
and Democratic Action in Venezuela."

Leslie Gates (University of Arizona), "Explaining Intensity in
Foreign Capitalist Reactions to Host Country Policies: American
Mining and Oil Industry in Mexico, 1910-1920."

Roundtable 8: Gender in the World-Economy.

Naihua Zhang (Florida Atlantic University), "Connection and
interaction of the global and local feminisms: A case study of

Roksana Bahramitash (McGill University), "Glimpsing Women in the
Labor Market in Taiwan: Through the Lens of Western Women's

Mahua Sarkar (Johns Hopkins University), "Gender, Religion,
Class, and the Imagining of the Indian Nation."

Roberta Lessor (Chapman University), "Global Structural
Adjustment and Situated Gender and Class Relations: Continuing
Struggle in a Costa Rican Women's Medicinal Plant Collective."

Roundtable 9: Nationalism and Social Movements.

Farshad A. Araghi (Florida Atlantic University), "The Discourse
of Development and the Peasantry."

Hassan Elnajjar (Dalton College), "Arab nationalism and the Gulf

Rachel Schurman (University of California at Berkeley), "Tuna
Dreams: Resource nationalism and the Pacific Tuna Industry"

Terisa Turner, "New Social Movements in Africa."

Roundtable 10: Markets.

Kiersten C. Hatt (McGill University), "'Just the Company and its
Workers': Recent Changes in the Costa Rican Banana Industry."

Cynthia Hewitt (Univ. of Georgia), "Job Segregation, Ethnic
Hegemony and Earnings Inequality in Atlanta."

Romoji Ishi (Japan Pacific Resource Network), "Japanese
Transnationals and American Grassroots."

Michael Alan Sacks (Northwestern University), Brian Uzzi
(Northwestern University) and Marc Ventresca (Northwestern
University), "Structural Holes in the World System --Structural
Autonomy and Nation Status in the Global Economy, 1965-1980)."

Roundtable 11: Global Feminist Movements.

Nancy Forsythe (University of Maryland at College Park).

Valentine Moghadam (Illinois State University).