Re: more pomo

Tue, 11 Mar 1997 09:55:56 -0500 (EST)
A. Gunder Frank (

go out and ask the seals 5 blocks from your house! and dont expect help
from the likes of us snowbounders, even if this one for this once
agrees with your pre/po/mo cycles.
gunderOn Tue, 11 Mar 1997

> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 06:44:20 -0800
> From:
> Subject: more pomo
> Waves of radical romantic cultural analysis routinely
> follow the decline of radical political initiatives.
> Po-mo is the latest in a long line that stretches back
> at least to the post-1815 romantic movement. Cultural
> critics from Ortega on the right to the Frankfurt School
> on the left are probably the most familiar, as they date
> from the last trough of reaction, the fascist era. One
> interesting feature of these intellectual movements is
> that they announce themselves as radically critical but
> are largely incomprehensible to regular people.
> By the way, on my campus there are some posters advertising
> a lecture with the phrase "the geography of desire" in its
> title. Can someone tell me if this refers to where to go
> on a vacation? Or does it pertain to erogenous zones? Or
> the back seat of a car versus the bear rug by the hearth?
> Is there a radical geographer who can help me out?
> w