Dear WSN Readers,
Now available is a special issue of Social Justice:
"Immigration: A Civil Rights Issue for the Americas in the 21st
Century" (Social Justice, Volume 23, No. 3, 1996, 190 pages)
Edited by Suzanne Jonas and Suzie Dod Thomas, this special
issue discusses the political forces shaping immigration policy in
the U.S., its social impact in terms of detention and the
curtailment of rights, as well as its ethnic and gender dynamics.
In the current public debate over immigration, restrictionist
forces have seized the initiative in defining the parameters of
discussion, without considering fundamental civil rights issues.
By contrast, this collection is informed by a global perspective
and locates divergence as well as consensus among
progressives within a civil rights framework. At only $12.00 per
copy, with a 20% discount available for classroom orders, this
190-page perfect bound volume of such high-caliber authors
represents quite a good value for your students.
Table of Contents:
Immigration: A Civil Rights Issue for the Americas in the 21st Century
Editors' Introduction
Susanne Jonas and Suzie Dod Thomas
Beyond Sovereignty: Immigration Policy Making Today
Saskia Sassen
The Battle for the Border: Notes on Autonomous Migration, Transnational
Communities, and the State
Nestor Rodriguez
Gender and International Labor Migration: A Networks Approach
Linda Miller Matthei
Are Immigration Controls Ethical?
John Isbister
Rethinking Immigration Policy and Citizenship in the Americas: A Regional
Susanne Jonas
The Non-Stop Immigration Roller Coaster
J.C. Malone
The Chinese Suburban Immigration and Political Diversity in Monterey Park,
John Horton
U.S. Immigration and Intergroup Relations in the Late Twentieth Century:
African Americans and Latinos
Nestor Rodriguez
Treacherous Waters in Turbulent Times: Navigating the Recent Sea Change in
U.S. Immigration Policy and Attitudes
Lowell Sachs
For an Immigration Policy Based on Human Rights
David Bacon
Right Wing Politics and the Anti-Immigration Cause
Sara Diamond
The Immigration Crisis: Detention as an Emerging Mechanism of Social Control
Michael Welch
Copies are $12.00 plus $3.00 for postage and handling.
MasterCard and Visa orders may be sent to (include account
number and expiration);
checks made out to Social Justice can be mailed to Social Justice, P.O. Box
40601, San Francisco, CA 94140.
Thank you, Gregory Shank (Managing Editor)