>At 04:31 PM 11/6/96 -0800, mreview@igc.apc.org wrote:
>>Dear Educator/Reviewer:
>>Monthly Review Press has a new title that you might find of
>>interest. Exam/Review copies are available. Please contact Renee
>>Pendergrass at mreview@igc.apc.org, Monthly Review Press, 122
>>West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001, Tel: 1-800-670-9499,
>>Fax: (212) 727-3676.
>>China and the Contradictions of "Market Socialism"
>>by Robert Weil
>>"Robert Weil has written a brilliant, powerfully argued book that
>>cuts through the hogwash pouring from the West and from China
>>about the 'miracle' of the Deng reforms. Weil shows how Deng's
>>use of 'capitalism to build socialism' results in the use of
>>'socialism to build capitalism.' This is powerful stuff,
>>must-reading for all those who care about the future
>>of humanity."
>> --William Hinton, author of "Fanshen" and "The Great Reversal"
I had the impression that Hinton's "Fanshen" had been exposed as a work of
complete fantasy. The supposed success of the industrial city of Fanshen
consisted entirely of fictional numbers made up by the locals to show their
compliance with Great Leap Forward directives; Hinton then embroidered upon
If this is correct -- and I would welcome correction if it is not -- then
there is every reason to suspect that a book Hinton approves of would be at
minimum propaganda for his preconceptions, and quite possibly a work of
major dishonesty.