Fw: Boulding PostDoc Fellowship

Fri, 22 Mar 1996 16:11:38 -0600 (CST)
chris chase-dunn (chriscd@jhu.edu)


Kenneth Boulding Post Doctoral Research Fellowship.

The Program on Political and Economic Change is accepting applications for a
post-doctoral fellowship to work with an interdisciplinary group
(economists, geographers, political scientists, and sociologists) on the
topic of Globalization and Democratization. We are looking for a scholar
committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching. Globalization of
economic processes; the diffusion of democracy; transformations in the
meaning and practice of citizenship; the legitimacy of political and
governmental structures; accountability in the face of transnational
economic forces; and ethno-national conflict and accommodation represent the
six current thrusts of the GAD program. Collaboration with current faculty
in contributing to at least one of these areas will constitute one of the
prime responsibilities of the successful candidate, who will also be
involved in teaching segments of an interdisciplinary seminar, in the
preparation of grant submissions, and the general scholarly activities of
the research program. The appointment is for a ten-month period to begin in
August 1996, and is renewable for an additional year. Salary is $31,000 plus
benefits. This position requires a Ph. D. at the time of appointment. Review
of applications (a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of
reference, a writing sample, and an e-mail address for acknowledgment) will
begin on April 15th and will continue until the position is filled.

Send applications to Kenneth Boulding Post-Doctoral Fellowship Search,
Program on Political and Economic Change, Institute of Behavioral Science,
Campus Box 487, The University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
80309-0487, USA (tel: 303.492.6404; email: postdoc@isere.colorado.edu).

The University of Colorado strongly supports the principle of diversity. The
University is particularly interested in receiving applications from women,
ethnic minorities, disabled persons, veterans, and veterans of the Vietnam

See more details on the GAD program at

John O'Loughlin
Department of Geography and Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado at Boulder
Campus Box 487
Boulder, CO. 80309-0487
Tel: 303.492.1619
FAX: 303.492.3609