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Re: Ricardo Duchesne on Ellen Meiksins Wood
by Louis Proyect
24 September 2003 13:26 UTC
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Charles Jannuzi wrote:
In part, Louis Proyect, who is confusingly engaging in
a discussion on several lists at the same time,

Obviously the notion that European capitalism developed as a result of the exploitation of the Third
World has been so roundly refuted I need not elaborate
this here. Just a handy, if incomplete, stats: At most
2% of Europe's GNP at the end of 18th century took the form of profits derived from commerce with
Americas, Asia, Africa! (I think source is

The statement doesn't make much sense to me. The use
of the term 'Third World' doesn't fit a historical
discussion going back to the end of the 18th century
(1790-1799, I'm assuming).
The statement was not mine. I was quoting Ricardo Duchesne, who no longer appears to believe these things to boot.


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