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Re: Eastern DRC
by KenRichard2002
12 August 2003 18:57 UTC
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This and the previous US administration are interested in depopulating the region in order to exploit not only the mineral wealth but also the river system (for hydroelectric power) and the agricultural basin.   The US and Britain sent two hit squads to the region to assassinate Laurent Kabila but both attempts failed and both teams were arrested and later deported from area countries.  While all of southern Africa rallied behind the DRC,  the United States and Britain,  and one would imagine Israel, loaned support to the invading countries,  Rwanda and Uganda.  The US supported Rwanda's involvement,  stating that 30,000 genocidaires had fled into the eastern DRC and that Rwanda was rightly threatened by their continued armed existence.  So, 3,000,000 or more people have died as Gen. Paul Kagame and his former ally in Uganda sought out 30,000 to 40,000 rebels of the LRA and armed Hutu extremist.  Kabila did the sensible thing and armed the Hutu extremists in order to fight back the Rwandan invasion.  When the Rwandan army captured Hutu extremists, they were as likely to arm them, turn them around and point them at the DRC army, however, it was only Kabila who was castigated for arming the Hutu.  At any rate,  think of what the British, French and Americans did in North America.  One side arming another against another in support of their interests through temporary alliances with the native people and all of it at the native people's expense.  Divide, conquer and decimate.  Then winner takes all.

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