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Re: culture ... ("Culture is Everywhere")
by KenRichard2002
12 August 2003 18:47 UTC
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      I find it interesting that the first micro-biologist was a Dutchman;
While waiting for a train in Holland I observed that the name for the track
was *spore*,  the same name translates into footprint. The Dutch were known for sailing, having set up *colonies* in the New World (New Amsterdam, later New York), the Carribbean (Netherland Antilles) and in South Africa, among other locals. A group of individuals leave one place for another, possibly aboard a sporewegen setting themselves up in a *colony* and typically reproducing their *culture*, oftentimes thriving at the expense of the native culture.   The same thing seems to happen with marine and plant life among other things.  The foreign thing thrives because the native thing doesn't know how to cope with the changes in the environment and is consequently overcome by the foreign thing which adapts and thrives because it has left it's native enemies behind in it's previous environment.

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