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Re: The Mother of Modern Terrorism
by John Leonard
10 August 2003 18:46 UTC
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At 08:02 10.8.03 -0400, you wrote:
> Blaming Jews for the actions of Zionists,
> is like blaming Americans for the actions
> of the Bush administration :-)
> Jay.
what comes sooner to mind is not blaming germans for the crimes of nazism - that was rejected rightly enough at nuremberg

to help weaken the iron link between zionism and judaism, i emphasize unmasking the importance of christian zionism, to escape this circular argument

another interesting angle is how the holocaust radicalized jewry in a totally new direction.

(at its most intriguing if you don't reject as conspiracy theory out of hand the evidence of sutton, tarpley, lufton and others, that the holocaust may have been planned by a "world system" with offices on wall street - but interesting enough in any case)

in the 1920's pavlov hit on the phenomenon of conditioning by trauma, in which the personality, in order to survive, would in desperation reverse its previous characteristics. (not that this was unknown before - according to wm sargant, the oracles of ancient times used trauma methods, and the french revolution bears all the marks too. dare i mention 911...?)

one wag has remarked that before the war, jews were merchants, and germans were militarists. since then, it's the other way about.

the world system i refer to is the perennial american crypto-fascist oligarchy. the jewish people have historically been the greatest source of liberal and radical thinking in the bigotry-ridden west. they were always getting in the way of a fascist world order.

before hitler, i understand only 3% of the jews were zionists. it did not appeal to them. without demonization, zionism is simply and categorically an offshoot of the fascist family of nationalist ideologies.

so here is how the scheme worked - deliberate or not, i leave it to your tastes -
the war and the holocaust traumatized the jews, and the entire continent of europe as well. the result is the europeans would never again be warriors, and the jews were desperate enough to go to palestine, do the work of empire there, and play along with oligarchy in the diaspora, too. there will still be liberal jews, but in a pinch, you have the homeland issue to make them toe the fascist line.

that's the criticism of "israel" - it's part of a world-scale scam of traumatization and degradation of other peoples by the angloids, as we are observing in sci-fi splendor in iraq today.

Although I don't believe 'blame' is a useful form of social analysis, to the extent that I'd be willing to use that language, I'd blame lots of Americans for the actions of the Bush administration (as well as a number of non-Americans--Blair, Berlusconi, Sharon, etc). About half the electorate voted for the guy. Many happilly join in with the bullying 'you're with us or against us' rhetoric. There are some small elites who do a great deal to shape policy, but they can't do anything without substantial popular support.

Zionism cannot be easily seperated from contemporary Judaism.

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