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Re: Wallerstein article
by KenRichard2002
28 July 2003 21:42 UTC
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I'm not sure my last e-mail made it through...  

Ok, I believe the US is going to try to interfer and manipulate the internal political processes of the EU through her Central European member states.  If the EU grants membership status to CE states they may be letting the wolf (US) in through the open door.  It would occur in this fashion:  the US would enable key CE states to meet the economic requirements to acquire EU status and then call in the favors through political and economic pressure.  The CE member states would form the weak link in the EU chain.   

Also,  as I've hinted in the past, the US has it's buzzard's eye focused on the African continent.  Last night,  for example,  a former US Ambassador to Tanzania was stating on a radio program that within ten years southern Africa's leadership class, political, social and economic,  will have been wiped out from AIDS.  He stated that in some areas the infection rate is running 100%.  He stated that Africa won't be able to feed itself in 10 years due to the fact that most agricultural workers will be dead or to severely disabled.  (Enter US financial capital and John Deere).  Near the end of the discussion,  the gentleman refered to the orphans of this humanitarian catastrophy as "the leftovers".

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